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Youth & Labor


DOL Kids' Pages

The Department of Labor has created special Web pages for young people that provide information on a range of topics.

DOL Web Pages on This Topic

Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) Resources for Youth
ODEP's focus on youth policy is aimed at improving transition outcomes of youth and young adults with disabilities toward successful employment and adulthood.

Youth Rules!
A gateway providing quick access to information about federal and state labor laws that apply to young workers. The web page includes information designed to educate teens, parents, educators, and employers about the hours youth can work, the jobs youth can do, and how to prevent workplace injuries.

The Mine Safety & Health Administration’s (MSHA) Kid’s Page
Explains the aim of MSHA in hopes that kids might explore and learn more about mining.

"Dangerous Places"
Written for elementary school age children, warning them of the dangers of playing near mine areas.

Abandoned Mines and Other Places to Stay Away From
Warns kids about the dangers of surface mines, underground mines, and other unauthorized areas.

Career Information for Kids from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Gives information about different careers and their educational requirements. Written for a youth audience.

Related Web Pages on This Topic

Features information about the fastest growing industries and occupations with details of skills and education required and job openings by area. Includes wage, licensing requirements and growth rates for jobs in demand. for Kids
Provides links to federal government kids' sites along with some of the best kids' sites from other organizations all grouped by subject.