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The Project on National Security Reform hails Obama Adminstration selection of National Security Team

Five former PNSR Guiding Coalition members and two Working Group leaders to serve in key national security positions

        Gen. James L. Jones      Adm. Dennis C. Blair       James B. Steinberg       Michele Flournoy
       National Security Adviser       Director of National        Deputy Secretary of State    Under Secretary                                                          Intelligence                                                            of Defense

                                Ashton Carter               Kathleen Hicks             Vikram Singh
                        Under Secretary of Defense  Deputy Under Secretary      Special Assistant
                                                                           of Defense              Defense Department

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Project on National Security Reform (PNSR) congratulates seven former members on their appointments to President Barack Obama's national security team. PNSR commends the foresight in the appointment of these individuals who through their work with PNSR have provided insight on the problems with the U.S. national security system and offered insight to fixing the system to meet the demands of the current international security environment.

National Security Adviser Gen. James L. Jones, Director of National Intelligence Adm. Dennis C. Blair, Deputy Secretary of State James B. Steinberg, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Michele Flournoy, and Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Ashton Carter are all former PNSR Guiding Coalition members. Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks and Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Vikram Singh served as leaders of the PNSR Processes Working Group and Overarching Issues and National Structures Working Group, respectively.

In response to the appointments, PNSR Executive Director James R. Locher III said:

:These seven PNSR alumni understand the organizational problems that plague the national security system as well as the options for reform. PNSR looks forward to providing assistance to their efforts." Locher added, "the other members of the Guiding Coalition and the entire PNSR community congratulate Jim Jones, Denny Blair, Jim Steinberg, Michele Flournoy, Ash Carter, Kath Hicks and Vikram Singh on their selections for these important positions."

Leading the Way in National Security Reform...

The Project on National Security Reform (PNSR) is a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization working to modernize and improve the U.S. national security system to better protect the American people against 21st century dangers.

Funded and supported by Congress, foundations and corporations, PNSR has carried out one of the most comprehensive studies of the U.S. national security system in American history.

The National Security Act of 1947, developed under President Truman, set up the current system in the aftermath of World War II. The State and Defense Departments, National Security Council, intelligence community, Homeland Security Department and Homeland Security Council are central players in the national security system.

Other cabinet departments such as Energy, Treasury and Commerce have more recently become important players in the system as well.

The world for which the national security system was designed no longer exists. Instead, the United States is confronted with a globalized, more unpredictable world with multidimensional threats. To provide for American security in this new world, the president and Congress require a more agile system.

Led by a 22-member Guiding Coalition that includes former senior federal officials with extensive national security experience, The Project on National Security Reform has issued its report- Forging a New Shield - which recommends solutions to the problems that plague the current system.

More than 300 experts from think tanks, universities, federal agencies, law firms and corporations also contributed to the PNSR report.

The Project on National Security Reform has delivered its recommendations to President Barack Obama, Congress, and the Department of Defense. Pending approval of reforms, PNSR is ready to support government leadership in implementing the recommendations through preparation of draft presidential directives, changes to Senate and House rules, and a new National Security Act to replace many provisions of the 1947 legislation.

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