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Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
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Mission Timeline

Mission Timeline Summary

The phases of the mission include:

Pre-launch Activities 2002 - Aug, 2005 Preparation for the mission, including assembly and testing, and delivery to Cape Canaveral
Launch Aug 12, 2005 Lift-off from Earth
Cruise Aug, 2005 - Mar, 2006 Voyage through space to Mars
Approach Mar, 2006 Nearing the red planet
Mars Orbit Insertion Mar, 2006 Capturing the spacecraft into orbit around Mars
Aerobraking Mar, 2006 - Nov, 2006 Slowing down in the martian atmosphere and settling into a lower, circular orbit for science-data collecting
Science Operations Nov, 2006 - Nov, 2008 Gathering information about Mars through the day-to-day activities of the orbiter
Communications Relay Nov, 2008 - Dec, 2010 Using the orbiter to communicate with other landed missions

Should NASA continue to need it, the orbiter will be able to continue providing relay services for as much as another 5 years beyond its planned end date.

Key Dates

Launch: August 12, 2005

Arrival: March 10, 2006

End of Mission: Ongoing