Proposals for Cyberinfrastructure in Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences

The Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) welcomes proposals for cyber-infrastructure that furthers research in the atmospheric sciences by broadening access to digital resources associated with the atmospheric sciences. Examples of digital resources include community modeling systems, data collections, real-time data streams, analysis tools, and computational grids. Virtual environments that make these resources available to open communities of users, facilitate collaboration between researchers at remote institutions, and permit researchers to contribute their own digital resources to the virtual environment are encouraged. Proposals should identify the digital resources to which access will be provided, include one or more specific science questions that will be addressed with the cyber-infrastructure proposed in order to demonstrate its utility, and describe the expected longer-term benefits. Projects that integrate with and extend existing cyber-infrastructure are encouraged. Investigators are encouraged to make use of technology already developed through core cyber-infrastructure development activities such as those supported by NSF, the Department of Energy, and NASA.

Where there is a clearly identified scientific need, proposals that integrate atmospheric science digital resources with those of other scientific communities will also be considered. Investigators should discuss ideas for such proposals with the relevant program officer prior to submission so that arrangements can be made for joint review with the other disciplines involved.

Cyber-infrastructure proposals should be submitted via FastLane to the Cyber-infrastructure Program of the Division of Atmospheric Sciences. When selecting the “Program Announcement / Solicitation / Program Description No.,” please choose the Grant Proposal Guide and follow the proposal preparation instructions described in that Guide.