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ERIC: Education Resources Information Center Skip main navigation Skip main and local navigation
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ERIC Collection Development Process

Building and maintaining the ERIC collection of journal and non-journal content requires an ongoing systematic process. Suggestions for sources come from the ERIC Content Experts, the ERIC Library Committee, ERIC staff, librarians, educators, authors, publisher representatives, the U.S. Department of Education, and the general public. All materials selected for ERIC are relevant to education and available in English.

ERIC follows a rigorous evaluation process that includes periodic review of the current collection, extensive research on candidate sources, gathering of input from the Content Experts and the user community, application of the ERIC Selection Policy ERIC Selection Policy, and analysis of a suggested source's impact on the current collection. When a source is selected for inclusion in the collection, ERIC establishes a formal agreement with the publisher to receive its materials in an electronic format for indexing.

ERIC welcomes suggestions from the field. To provide a suggestion, send an email to Submit a journal title with the ISSN and publisher or sponsor name. If you wish to recommend a producer of education-related content other than journals, please provide the name and address (or website) of the organization, center, or association.

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