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General IMS/PIC FAQs


Browse Questions and Answers

Who is responsible for the data in IMS/PIC?

HAs are responsible for their data in IMS/PIC. This responsibility is clearly detailed in the regulations; for example, 24 CFR § 990.200(b) states, concerning the Determination and Payment of Operating Subsidy, "Each PHA is responsible for supplying accurate information on the status of each of its units in HUD's databases."

In IMS/PIC, most data are entered and submitted by HAs; some data also require HUD approval. There are, however, some pieces of information that can only be entered or changed in IMS/PIC by HUD users. For example, only HUD users can enter a new development or enter a DOFA date.

HUD users enter this data in collaboration with HAs. If an HA needs data entered or modified and the change can only be made by a HUD user, the HA should submit a request to the HUD Field Office.

What is a "module"?

IMS/PIC is organized into modules that cover broad topics such as "PIH Information" and "Housing Inventory." It is further subdivided within each module into sub-modules.

What is a "sub-module"?

A subdivision of a module. IMS/PIC is organized into modules, which are groups of related information or activities. For example, the Form 50058 module is divided into four sub-modules:

  • Submission
  • Viewer
  • Reports
  • Tenant ID Management

What are the tabs at the top of each page?

The tabs at the top of the web page (that look like file folder tabs) subdivide the business activities of a sub-module into logical groups whose function is indicated by the name of the tab.

Where are the "sub-tabs" that are mentioned in the instructions?

Sub-tabs are the labels in the colored line immediately below the tabs. Each sub-tab links to a specific activity within the similarly colored the tab.

Where can I get a User Manual for an IMS/PIC module?

All IMS/PIC User Manuals are downloadable from the IMS/PIC User Manuals page.

How is the IMS/PIC system made safe from hackers?

IMS/PIC uses 128-bit encryption for all transmissions in both directions using the SSL system built into all PC browsers. This means that only you and the IMS/PIC servers can read your transmissions. In addition, HUD fully complies with all computer security standards of the federal government.

Where can I find a listing of Public Housing Agencies?

You can find a listing of the official names for Public Housing Agencies on the Profiles page. HA Profiles listing also provides PHA addresses, telephone numbers, homepage URLs, PHA e-mail contacts, type of programs and the number of units the PHA administers.

How are materials distributed to PHAs?

HUD's direct e-mailing system distributes materials such as notices, forms, and reports to Field Offices and PHAs. PHAs must update their e-mail addresses in IMS/PIC and regularly check the e-mail account. Failure to receive notification due to e-mail errors or inattention will not be considered as justification for late submissions or missed opportunities.

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