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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Housing   >   Office of Housing Reading Room
Reading Room
Thank you for visiting HUD's Office of Housing's Reading Room. Please be sure to visit the Department's comprehensive library for additional reading materials and tools.



 -   OAHP Reading Room
 -   Homebuying Publications en Español
 -   HUD's Library
 -   Housing's Bookshelf
 -   HUD's Programs
 -   Single Family Programs
 -   Multifamily Programs
 -   100 Q&A About Buying a Home
 -   Don't Be a Victim of Loan Fraud
 -   HUD Home Buying Guide


 -   The HUD-FHA Glossary
 -   Mortgage Terms Glossary
 -   Community Planning & Development Glossary
 -   MBA Mortgage Term Glossary
 -   Fannie Mae's Home Path Glossary
 -   Michigan State University Home Maintenance and Repair Glossary

Policy Reading

 -   Mortgagee Letters
 -   HUD Handbooks and Forms
 -   HOC Reference Guide
 -   Home Mortgage Disclosure Act

HOC Circular Letters

 -   Philadelphia HOC Circular Letters
 -   Atlanta HOC Circular Letters

Reports & Data

Note: Readers of the FHA Outlook Reports and the Monthly Reports to the FHA Commissioner should be aware that HUD will be updating data and formats in the coming months. These changes are intended to improve delivery and presentation of FHA business trend information. The existing reports will continue to be posted here while the new reports are under development. Thank you for your patience during this time of transition.


 -   Quarterly Report to Congress on the Financial Status of the MMI Fund

Actuarial Reviews of the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund

 -   FHA Annual Management Report
 -   FHA Outlook Reports
 -   Monthly Reports to the FHA Commissioner
 -   HECM Single-Family Public Data
 - FHA Loan Limits October-December 2011
 -   FHA Handbooks and Forms
 -   FHA Share of Home Purchase Activity (Monthly)
 -   FHA-Insured Single-Family Market Share (Quarterly)
 -   FHA Single-Family Insurance of Jumbo Loans
 -   FHA Debenture Interest Rates
 -   FHA Historical Average Mortgage Rates
 -   FHA Single Family Monthly Mortgage Insurance Endorsements by State
 -   Audit of Lender Reporting on Use of Downpayment Assistance
 -   Evaluation of 601 Accelerated Claims Disposition Demonstration
 -   Field Study of Impact of Seller-Paid Nonprofit Downpayment Programs
 -   HMDA Reporting - Getting it Right!
 -   MF Historical and Current Initial Endorsements and Firm Commitments Data
 -   MF Terminated Mortgages Database
 -   MF Currently Insured Mortgages Database
 -   Asset Loan Sales Information