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Portraits of a Warrior

It’s not their wounds that unite them, but their warrior spirit. More than 300 Wounded Warrior Marines, veterans and allies came to Camp Pendleton, Calif., to test their mettle at the 2012 Marine Corps Trials. Learn more about four of these Wounded Warriors in this portrait and profile set by clicking on their photo.

‘Getting Back Up’

When Lance Cpl. Chuck Sketch lost his sight and both his legs in his fight against cancer, he refused to let that keep him down. Now Sketch is showing his heart as he competes against other Wounded Warriors in the 2012 Marine Corps Trials. Read more about Sketch by clicking on the image above. (U.S. Marine Corps photos by Sgt. Mark Fayloga)

‘Inspire For A Lifetime’

Sgt. Maj. Raymond Mackey lost both of his legs in an improvised explosive device blast in 2009. Now Mackey is stepping up to inspire and mentor other wounded Marines at the 2012 Marine Corps Trials and wherever else life may take them. Read more about Mackey by clicking on the image above. (U.S. Marine Corps photos by Sgt. Mark Fayloga)

‘The Things You Can Do’

Cpl. Anthony McDaniel lost both his legs and his left hand to an improvised explosive device blast in Aug. 2010. Now McDaniel is pushing his mind and body to the limit as he competes against other Wounded Warriors in the 2012 Marine Corps Trials. Read more about McDaniel by clicking on the image above. (U.S. Marine Corps photos by Sgt. Mark Fayloga)

‘Where I Come From’

Cpl. Josue Barron lost his left leg and left eye in an improvised explosive device blast Oct. 21, 2010. But he will never forget where he came from or who he is: a member of 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment ... the Darkhorse Battalion. It is this pride that drives him to excel as he competes against other Wounded Warriors in the 2012 Marine Corps Trials. Read more about Barron by clicking on the image above. (U.S. Marine Corps photos by Sgt. Mark Fayloga)

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  • DeborahM

    I am humbled that these brave ones would give so much. And so proud to be a fellow American. 

  • Maggie Brown78

    If all of us could muster up the spirit that these hero’s put forth for us, for their families, for their sanity, for The United States, the world would be a happier and more fulfilled place.  God Bless these troops and God Bless the United States.  Ooh Rah!

  • maicoman

    As a professional Firefighter, I have been called a hero, I am no hero. These people here are the hero’s. I admire their courage and tenacity. I worried that this country was weak, but seeing these brave kids, I’m proud that they defended our freedom. I know they will have great lives, because they know what life is. Thank you all, God Bless you all.