Social Networks

More Microgrants: Reaching Specific Audiences with New Media


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In our continuing series on the microgrant awardees, today we feature four programs reaching several very specific groups: Hispanic immigrants, rural Alaskans, and formerly incarcerated young adults. Reaching Hispanic Immigrants As many of us observe National Latino AIDS Awareness Day on October 15, we are particularly aware that Hispanics are some of the most… Microgrant Awardees: Using New Media to Reach Youth


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Metro TeenAIDS (MTA)

Last week in our series on microgrant awardees, we profiled four local groups using new media for HIV prevention, testing, and care to reach men who have sex with men (MSM). This week, the focus turns to youth. According to the CDC's factsheet on HIV/AIDS and youth, "young people in the United States are…

Changing How We Think about HIV Awareness


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HIV/AIDS Resource Center (HARC) logo funded 17 organizations serving communities of color, other communities at highest risk of HIV, and people living with HIV. The funding was intended to stimulate and support the organizations’ efforts to use new media to plan for and support HIV prevention, testing, treatment and care activities and to share best practices within communities at…

IAC 2010 Session: HIV/AIDS in the Information Age — How Digital Media Can Fight the Epidemic

IAC Session, HIV/AIDS in the Information Age: How Digital Media Can Fight the Epidemic

Tonight, as part of the 2010 International AIDS Conference, we attended a session on new media, HIV/AIDS in the Information Age: How Digital Media Can Fight the Epidemic. Moderated by Scott Evertz, Senior Vice President of Gibraltar Associates , the session highlighted public and private examples of using digital media to communicate public health messaging….

Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day 2009: How You Can Take Action with One Photo


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Tree Alexander at USCA

Co-authored by Josie Halpern-Finnerty If a picture says a thousand words, how much would a picture of you wearing a red ribbon and holding a sign that says you’re “Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day” say? Could it help end stigma? Promote HIV testing? We think so – and we need your help. Last week…

New Media Extends Reach of IAS 2009 Conference

IAS 2009

Co-authored by Scott Sanders, Consultant, IAS Communications Two days before the opening of the 5th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2009) the number of fans on the conference Facebook fan page jumped by almost 20% within a 24-hour period. Momentum was building and we began to fully recognize…

World’s Largest Open Scientific Conference on HIV/AIDS Uses New Media Tools

IAS 2009

This weekend approximately 5,000 of the world’s leading scientists, clinicians, public health experts and community leaders will convene in Cape Town, South Africa, for the 5th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment, and Prevention (IAS 2009) to “examine the latest developments in HIV-related research, and to explore how scientific advances can—in very practical…

World AIDS Day 2008: The Power of YOU


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WAD Flickr pool group

December 1 marked the 20th annual observance of World AIDS Day . At, we used several new media tools to commemorate this day. We invited you to blog, to upload photos of yourself wearing a red ribbon to social network sites, and to join us in the virtual world of Second Life. But today’s…

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