Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)

Wind Energy

Scaled Wind Farm Technology (SWIFT) Facility Wind Turbine Controller Ground Testing

On November 20, 2012, in Energy, News, News & Events, Renewable Energy, SWIFT, Wind Energy

Development of the SWIFT Facility wind turbines reached a critical milestone this week, with the successful ground testing of the new variable-speed controller at Halus Power Systems, in Oakland, California. This milestone was a culmination of the turbine rewiring and control hardware installation led by Jon Berg (Wind Energy Technologies Dept.) and the control software [...]

Sandia Labs to Share Expertise with Navajo Nation

Sandia National Laboratories and the Navajo Nation announced an agreement in late October for the federal lab to provide technical assistance to the tribe as it develops energy resources on the sprawling reservation. The Navajo Nation and Sandia have cooperated since the 1980s. The memorandum of understanding extends their agreement for another five years, with [...]

Sandia Labs Helping Industry Tackle Wind Turbine Reliability

On October 15, 2012, in Energy, News, News & Events, Renewable Energy, Wind Energy

A new measurement developed by Sandia National Laboratories should help the wind energy industry benchmark its performance, understand vulnerabilities, and enhance productivity. Until now, wind farm owners and operators had no way to compare their output with the output of similar operations. To benchmark the reliability of the U.S. wind turbine fleet and identify major causes of [...]

Senator Bingaman Tells Sandia Wind Turbine Blade Workshop That Renewable Energy Is Important to U.S. Policy

Senator Jeff Bingaman said Wednesday the on-again, off-again nature of U.S. energy tax incentives and the uncertainty over federal spending on research and innovative technology presents a major challenge to the wind energy industry and other alternative energy industries. Bingaman, chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, spoke at the opening session of [...]

Offshore Ambitions for the Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine

Sandia National Laboratories is gearing up a recently launched project to test a range of ultra-large floating vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) designs, with the target of carving 20 percent out of the forecast cost of energy for deep-water installations. The U.S. engineering and science research facility’s $5M offshore VAWT rotor project is exploring whether three [...]

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