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Science » Earth Sciences » Climate Change

Bioed Online

features lessons on the water cycle and global warming, the X chromosome, sleep and daily rhythms, muscles and bones, and food and fitness. Experts offer presentations (streaming videos) on classification, cloning, viruses, infectious diseases, animal behavior, Mendelian genetics, genomes, sleep and performance, body systems, childhood obesity, asthma, ecosystems, populations, nutrition and energy, and more. Articles discuss biology news -- stem cells, bird flu, and more. (Baylor College of Medicine, Multiple Agencies)

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Interesting Fact:

The discovery of remains belonging to a new short-statured, human-like species is causing a stir among anthropologists. The new species is named Homo floresiensis, after the Indonesian island (Flores Island), east of Java, where the skeleton of a three-foot tall adult female was discovered. The diminutive skeleton shares several important characteristics with modern humans, Homo sapiens, including a small, delicate face, small teeth, and adaptations for walking on two legs.
The image on this slide is a photograph of the model of the DNA molecule built by Drs. James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953. Drs. Watson and Crick used this model to depict their proposed structure

Molecular basis for genetic variation

 This website also appears in:
Health & Phys Ed »  Other Health » 
Science »  Life Sciences »  Cells
Science »  Life Sciences »  Diseases
Science »  Life Sciences »  Genes, Evolution
Science »  Life Sciences »  Human Body
Science »  Life Sciences »  Interdependence

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