New Alliance for Food Security & Nutrition

Increasing Food Security through Feed the Future – Grain processors in Ethiopia
Increasing Food Security through Feed the Future – Grain processors in Ethiopia
Morgana Wingard/USAID

At the G8 Summit this year, President Obama announced the New Alliance for Food Security & Nutrition, in which G8 nations, African partner countries and private sector partners aim to help lift 50 million people in sub-Saharan Africa out of poverty in the next 10 years by supporting agricultural development.

On Wednesday, September 26, Administrator Shah will co-host with other G8 members the New Alliance: Progress and the Way Forward event to announce the expansion of New Alliance Cooperation Frameworks and highlight progress made since the New Alliance began in May 2012. Representatives from New Alliance, G8 countries and the private sector will join the discussion.

Feed the Future serves as the United States’ contribution to the New Alliance partnership. In support of this new global partnership, we are forming innovative, high-impact partnerships with global and local companies to accelerate progress, which we can do by:

  • Mobilizing private capital
  • Taking innovation to scale
  • Managing risk

Read more about the New Alliance and Feed the Future

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Last updated: May 31, 2013

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