Annual Statistical Supplement, 2009


Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Benefits Withheld

Table 6.E1 Number and percentage distribution of retired workers with benefits withheld, with and without reduction for early retirement, by sex and monthly benefit, December 2008
Sex and monthly benefit (dollars) Total Without reduction for early retirement With reduction for early retirement
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
All retired workers 195,041 100.0 43,709 100.0 151,332 100.0
Less than 350.00 42,370 21.7 11,678 26.7 30,692 20.3
350.00–399.90 3,924 2.0 635 1.5 3,289 2.2
400.00–449.90 6,375 3.3 3,679 8.4 2,696 1.8
450.00–499.90 4,232 2.2 1,347 3.1 2,885 1.9
500.00–549.90 5,675 2.9 1,297 3.0 4,378 2.9
550.00–599.90 6,604 3.4 1,761 4.0 4,843 3.2
600.00–649.90 7,077 3.6 1,903 4.4 5,174 3.4
650.00–699.90 7,160 3.7 1,811 4.1 5,349 3.5
700.00–749.90 7,246 3.7 1,713 3.9 5,533 3.7
750.00–799.90 6,987 3.6 1,523 3.5 5,464 3.6
800.00–849.90 6,552 3.4 1,384 3.2 5,168 3.4
850.00–899.90 6,200 3.2 1,298 3.0 4,902 3.2
900.00–949.90 5,906 3.0 1,277 2.9 4,629 3.1
950.00–999.90 5,524 2.8 1,095 2.5 4,429 2.9
1,000.00–1,049.90 5,445 2.8 1,139 2.6 4,306 2.8
1,050.00–1,099.90 5,253 2.7 1,034 2.4 4,219 2.8
1,100.00–1,149.90 4,855 2.5 912 2.1 3,943 2.6
1,150.00–1,199.90 4,530 2.3 780 1.8 3,750 2.5
1,200.00–1,249.90 4,295 2.2 705 1.6 3,590 2.4
1,250.00–1,299.90 4,126 2.1 684 1.6 3,442 2.3
1,300.00–1,349.90 3,799 1.9 586 1.3 3,213 2.1
1,350.00–1,399.90 3,627 1.9 497 1.1 3,130 2.1
1,400.00–1,449.90 4,241 2.2 472 1.1 3,769 2.5
1,450.00–1,499.90 4,420 2.3 459 1.1 3,961 2.6
1,500.00 or more 28,618 14.7 4,040 9.2 24,578 16.2
Men 114,513 100.0 28,043 100.0 86,470 100.0
Less than 350.00 18,847 16.5 5,088 18.1 13,759 15.9
350.00–399.90 2,286 2.0 390 1.4 1,896 2.2
400.00–449.90 4,246 3.7 2,691 9.6 1,555 1.8
450.00–499.90 2,658 2.3 1,010 3.6 1,648 1.9
500.00–549.90 3,386 3.0 989 3.5 2,397 2.8
550.00–599.90 3,802 3.3 1,269 4.5 2,533 2.9
600.00–649.90 3,767 3.3 1,335 4.8 2,432 2.8
650.00–699.90 3,596 3.1 1,304 4.7 2,292 2.7
700.00–749.90 3,470 3.0 1,214 4.3 2,256 2.6
750.00–799.90 3,198 2.8 1,023 3.6 2,175 2.5
800.00–849.90 3,088 2.7 973 3.5 2,115 2.4
850.00–899.90 3,024 2.6 900 3.2 2,124 2.5
900.00–949.90 3,136 2.7 920 3.3 2,216 2.6
950.00–999.90 2,932 2.6 744 2.7 2,188 2.5
1,000.00–1,049.90 3,020 2.6 771 2.7 2,249 2.6
1,050.00–1,099.90 3,026 2.6 714 2.5 2,312 2.7
1,100.00–1,149.90 2,950 2.6 611 2.2 2,339 2.7
1,150.00–1,199.90 2,863 2.5 563 2.0 2,300 2.7
1,200.00–1,249.90 2,776 2.4 481 1.7 2,295 2.7
1,250.00–1,299.90 2,753 2.4 465 1.7 2,288 2.6
1,300.00–1,349.90 2,603 2.3 410 1.5 2,193 2.5
1,350.00–1,399.90 2,550 2.2 354 1.3 2,196 2.5
1,400.00–1,449.90 3,149 2.7 331 1.2 2,818 3.3
1,450.00–1,499.90 3,338 2.9 325 1.2 3,013 3.5
1,500.00 or more 24,049 21.0 3,168 11.3 20,881 24.1
Women 80,528 100.0 15,666 100.0 64,862 100.0
Less than 350.00 23,523 29.2 6,590 42.1 16,933 26.1
350.00–399.90 1,638 2.0 245 1.6 1,393 2.1
400.00–449.90 2,129 2.6 988 6.3 1,141 1.8
450.00–499.90 1,574 2.0 337 2.2 1,237 1.9
500.00–549.90 2,289 2.8 308 2.0 1,981 3.1
550.00–599.90 2,802 3.5 492 3.1 2,310 3.6
600.00–649.90 3,310 4.1 568 3.6 2,742 4.2
650.00–699.90 3,564 4.4 507 3.2 3,057 4.7
700.00–749.90 3,776 4.7 499 3.2 3,277 5.1
750.00–799.90 3,789 4.7 500 3.2 3,289 5.1
800.00–849.90 3,464 4.3 411 2.6 3,053 4.7
850.00–899.90 3,176 3.9 398 2.5 2,778 4.3
900.00–949.90 2,770 3.4 357 2.3 2,413 3.7
950.00–999.90 2,592 3.2 351 2.2 2,241 3.5
1,000.00–1,049.90 2,425 3.0 368 2.3 2,057 3.2
1,050.00–1,099.90 2,227 2.8 320 2.0 1,907 2.9
1,100.00–1,149.90 1,905 2.4 301 1.9 1,604 2.5
1,150.00–1,199.90 1,667 2.1 217 1.4 1,450 2.2
1,200.00–1,249.90 1,519 1.9 224 1.4 1,295 2.0
1,250.00–1,299.90 1,373 1.7 219 1.4 1,154 1.8
1,300.00–1,349.90 1,196 1.5 176 1.1 1,020 1.6
1,350.00–1,399.90 1,077 1.3 143 0.9 934 1.4
1,400.00–1,449.90 1,092 1.4 141 0.9 951 1.5
1,450.00–1,499.90 1,082 1.3 134 0.9 948 1.5
1,500.00 or more 4,569 5.7 872 5.6 3,697 5.7
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: Totals do not necessarily equal the sum of rounded components.
CONTACT: Sheron M. Matthews (410) 966-4750 or
Table 6.E4 Number of beneficiaries with benefits withheld, by reason for withholding payment and type of benefit, December 2008
Reason payment withheld Total, all beneficiaries Retired workers Disabled workers Wives and husbands Children Widowed mothers and fathers Widow(er)s Parents
Subtotal Wives Husbands
Subtotal Men Women Without children a With children b
Total 2,174,976 195,041 114,513 80,528 145,380 346,786 228,334 45,403 73,049 601,480 55,492 830,158 639
Earnings of—
Retired workers 71,505 67,099 38,279 28,820 . . . 2,598 2,291 189 118 1,808 . . . . . . . . .
Other beneficiaries 74,727 . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,264 1,509 24,647 2,108 150 31,935 14,378 . . .
Entitled child not in care of beneficiary 25,031 . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,091 . . . 10,365 726 . . . 13,940 . . . . . .
Payee not determined 13,703 977 462 515 2,300 66 60 4 2 9,899 8 453 . . .
Recoupment of overpayment for reasons other than earnings 48,434 19,624 10,777 8,847 8,134 2,872 1,863 929 80 11,634 2,050 4,118 2
Address unknown 77,559 26,830 15,702 11,128 13,588 2,466 1,675 497 294 23,639 337 10,645 54
Determination of continuing disability pending 5,877 . . . . . . . . . 3,867 114 2 110 2 1,882 . . . 14 . . .
Workers’ compensation offset 5,099 . . . . . . . . . 1,933 301 82 203 16 2,865 . . . . . . . . .
Government pension offset 373,677 . . . . . . . . . . . . 239,273 174,683 68 64,522 . . . 101 134,303 . . .
Technical entitlement 1,162,329 . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,818 22,145 5,097 2,576 489,935 1,811 640,658 107
Other reasons 317,035 80,511 49,293 31,218 115,558 29,923 24,024 3,294 2,605 59,668 5,310 25,589 476
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: . . . = not applicable.
a. Aged 62 or older.
b. Under age 65 with entitled children in their care.
CONTACT: Sheron M. Matthews (410) 966-4750 or
Table 6.E5 Number of wives, husbands, and children with benefits withheld, by reason for withholding payment and type of benefit, December 2008
Reason payment withheld Wives and husbands of— Children under age 18 of— Disabled adult children of— Students aged 18–19 of—
Retired workers Disabled workers Retired workers Deceased workers Disabled workers Retired workers Deceased workers Disabled workers Retired workers Deceased workers Disabled workers
Total 299,148 47,638 25,540 46,592 287,098 104,513 94,453 36,041 993 1,889 4,361
Earnings of—
Retired workers 2,598 . . . 1,449 . . . . . . 302 . . . . . . 57 . . . . . .
Other beneficiaries 6,501 21,763 43 35 38 10 9 . . . 5 6 4
Entitled child not in care of beneficiary 1,661 9,430 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Payee not determined 63 3 448 3,414 4,421 255 1,175 134 7 24 21
Recoupment of overpayment for reasons other than earnings 1,964 908 654 2,334 7,769 148 330 143 29 98 129
Address unknown 1,971 495 1,168 5,288 12,555 630 2,837 652 45 252 212
Determination of continuing disability pending . . . 114 . . . . . . 1,468 51 225 119 . . . . . . 19
Workers' compensation offset . . . 301 . . . . . . 2,730 . . . . . . 88 . . . . . . 47
Government pension offset 236,030 3,243 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Technical entitlement 21,352 8,466 18,316 25,729 232,151 99,791 78,522 29,899 763 1,246 3,518
Other reasons 27,008 2,915 3,462 9,792 25,966 3,326 11,355 5,006 87 263 411
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: . . . = not applicable.
CONTACT: Sheron M. Matthews (410) 966-4750 or