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Quality Guidelines for Energy System Studies for Fossil Energy Plants

Each year the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy (FE) and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) conduct dozens of energy system studies. Some of these studies are conducted by federal employees and others are conducted under contracts funded and managed by NETL or FE. It is useful to compare results of these studies that feature similar energy systems. Unfortunately, conducting fair and rational comparisons is often complicated by the lack of consistent modeling assumptions. In an effort to provide more consistency between studies, “Quality Guidelines for Energy Systems Studies” (QGESS) documents are developed.

The series consists of the following:

  • QGESS: Cost Estimation Methodology for NETL Assessments of Power Plant Performance, Apr 2011, DOE/NETL-2011/1455

  • QGESS: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage Costs, Sep 2010, DOE/NETL-400/2010/1447 (Currently in revision)

  • QGESS: Specifications for Selected Feedstocks, Mar 2012, NETL/DOE -341/011812

  • QGESS: CO2 Impurity Design Parameters, Mar 2012, NETL/DOE -341/011212

  • QGESS: Methane Emissions from Mining Illinois Basin Coals, Sep 2010, DOE/NETL-400/2010/1445

  • QGESS: Technology Learning Curve (FOAK to NOAK), Mar 2012, NETL/DOE-341/042211

  • QGESS: Process Modeling Design Parameters, Mar 2012, NETL/DOE-341/081911 (Currently in revision)

  • QGESS: Fuel Prices for Selected Feedstocks in NETL Studies, November 2012, DOE/NETL-341/11212

  • QGESS: Capital Cost Scaling Methodology, Jan 2013, DOE/NETL-341/013113

These documents summarize the methodology employed by NETL in its assessment of power plant performance. A clear understanding of the methodology used is essential for allowing different power plant technologies to be compared on a similar basis. Though these guidelines are tailored for power plants, they can also be applied to a variety of different energy conversion plants (e.g., coal to liquids, syngas generation, hydrogen).

Quality Guidelines for Energy System Studies for Fossil Energy Plants

  • QGESS: Cost Estimation Methodology for NETL Assessments of Power Plant Performance
    The QGESS: Cost Estimation Methodology for NETL Assessments of Power Plant Performance (Apr 2011) [PDF - 666KB], summarizes the cost estimation methodology employed by NETL in its assessment of power plant performance. A clear understanding of the methodology used is essential for allowing different power plant technologies to be compared on a similar basis. Though these guidelines are tailored for power plants, they can also be applied to a variety of different energy conversion plants (e.g., coal to liquids, syngas generation, hydrogen).

  • QGESS: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage Costs
    The QGESS: Estimating Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage Costs (Sep 2010) [PDF - 431KB], examines the capital and operating costs associated with carbon sequestration. Specifically, the transportation of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) via pipeline and the storage of that CO2 in a geologic formation representative of those identified in North America as having large storage potential are included. Monitoring, pore volume acquisition, and liability costs are also addressed.

  • QGESS: Specifications for Selected Feedstocks
    The QGESS: Specifications for Selected Feedstocks (Mar 2012) [PDF - 269KB], provides recommended specifications for various feedstocks that are commonly found in NETL-sponsored energy system studies. Adhering to these specifications should enhance the consistency of such studies. NETL recommends these guidelines be followed in the absence of any compelling market, project, or site-specific requirements in order to facilitate comparison of studies evaluating coal-based technologies.

  • QGESS: CO2 Impurity Design Parameter
    The QGESS: CO2 Impurity Design Parameters (Mar 2012) [PDF - 358KB], provides recommended impurity limits for CO2 stream components for use in conceptual studies of CO2 carbon capture, utilization, and storage systems. These limits were developed from information consolidated from numerous studies and are presented by component. Impurity levels are provided for limitations of carbon steel pipelines, enhanced oil recovery (EOR), saline reservoir sequestration, and cosequestration of CO2 and H2S in saline reservoirs.

  • QGESS: Technology Learning Curve (FOAK to NOAK)
    The QGESS: Technology Learning Curve (FOAK to NOAK) (Mar 2012) [PDF - 382KB], summarizes costing methodologies employed by NETL for estimating future costs of mature commercial Nth-of-a-kind (NOAK) power plants from initial first-of-a-kind (FOAK) estimates for use in costing models and reports. It defines the specific steps and factors which can be used in such estimation calculations. The methodology within is based on knowledge of major plant component costs for various technologies.

  • QGESS: Process Modeling Design Parameters
    The QGESS: Process Modeling Design Parameters (Jan 2012) [PDF - 419KB], documents the process modeling assumptions most commonly used in systems analysis studies and the basis for those assumptions. The large number of assumptions required for a systems analysis makes it impractical to document the entire set in each report. This document will serve as a comprehensive reference for these assumptions as well as their justification.

  • QGESS: Fuel Prices for Selected Feedstocks in NETL Studies
    The QGESS:Fuel Prices for Selected Feedstocks in NETL Studies (November 2012) [PDF - 738 KB] provides an estimate of the market price delivered to specific end-use areas, of four coals that are commonly used as feedstocks in the energy system studies sponsored by NETL. Also included is the estimated market price for natural gas delivered to three different regions. QGESS: Capital Cost Scaling Methodology

  • The QGESS: Capital Cost Scaling Methodology (Jan 2013) [PDF - 1.10MB], provides a standard basis for scaling capital costs, with specific emphasis on scaling exponents. The intention of having a standardized document is to provide guidelines for proper procedures to reduce the potential of errors and increase credibility through consistency. This document contains a listing of frequently used pieces of equipment and their corresponding scaling exponent for various plant types, along with their ranges of applicability. This document also details the equations to be used with each exponent.