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County Health Department Enacts Systems-Based Changes in Primary Care Sites, Leading to Enhanced Access to Care and Improved Outcomes for HIV/AIDS Patients 2/13/2013
A county health department enhanced access to routine care and improved outcomes by enacting a number of systems-based changes across three primary care sites serving patients with HIV/AIDS, including intensive patient tracking and outreach, flexible scheduling, self-management education and peer support, and renewed emphasis on having an annual comprehensive physical examination.
Multidisciplinary Team–Generated Interventions Improve Medication Reconciliation and Patient Safety 2/13/2013
Multidisciplinary teams implemented a comprehensive medication reconciliation program for patient admissions, transfers, and discharge to significantly improve the reconciliation process.
Sexually Transmitted Infections Clinic Offers Testing-Only Express Visit to Eligible Patients, Leading to Shorter Waits, Increased Throughput 2/13/2013
A sexually transmitted infections clinic uses a triage system to identify patients eligible for a testing-only "express visit," leading to reduced waiting times for patients and enhanced throughput for the clinic.
Community Collaborative Improves Accuracy of Medication Lists for Elderly Patients in Outpatient Clinic Setting 2/6/2013
Aurora Health Care spearheaded a community-wide medication reconciliation initiative, involving health care consumers, providers, pharmacists, and community stakeholders, to improve the accuracy of elderly patients' medication lists.
Daily Nurse Review of Key Health Indicators Reduces Inpatient and Emergency Department Use for Patients on Dialysis 2/6/2013
Nurses remotely monitor key indicators of end-stage renal disease patients and intervene as appropriate, leading to less inpatient and emergency department use and higher quality of life.
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Last updated: February 13, 2013.