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Facilities - Pullman - Central Ferry Farm

Stephanie L Greene
Plant Germplasm Introduction and Testing
Geneticist Plants

Phone: (509) 786-9265
Fax: (509) 786-9370
24106 N BUNN RD
PROSSER, WA, 99350-9687

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  Accession Number: 413155
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  Accession Number: 422141
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  Accession Number: 421560

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Tracking the Roundup Ready® gene: implications for coexistence - (Proceedings)
Greene, S.L. 2012. Tracking the Roundup Ready® gene: implications for coexistence. Proceedings for the 2012 Winter Seed School, Western Alfalfa Seed Growers Conference, January 15-17, Las Vegas, NV. pp53-55.
Importance of gene flow to germplasm conservation and development - (Proceedings) - (29-Aug-11)
Implementing a gap analysis to conserve Caucasus Medicago species for ex situ conservation - (Proceedings)
Dzyunbenko, N., Dzyunbenko, E., Afonin, A.A., Greene, S.L. 2011. Implementing a gap analysis to conserve Caucasus Medicago species for ex situ conservation. Conference Proceedings on Problems of Conserving Biodiversity in the Caucasus Region, Suchumi botanical Garden, Abchazia, Russia, Sept. 15, 2011. p.25-29.
Initial Steps toward a National Conservation Strategy for Crop Wild Relatives of the United States - (Abstract Only)
Khoury, C., Greene, S.L., Castaneda, A., Nora, P. 2011. Initial Steps toward a National Conservation Strategy for Crop Wild Relatives of the United States. Meeting Abstract. p240.
Fruit and Nut Crop Wild Relatives in the United States: a Surprisingly Rich Resource - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Greene, S.L. 2012. Fruit and Nut Crop Wild Relatives in the United States: a Surprisingly Rich Resource. Acta Horticulturae. 948: 263-270.
Effective conservation of Medicago Crop Wild Relatives in Russia and neighbouring countries: a gap analysis points the way forward - (Book / Chapter)
Greene, S.L., Afonin, A.A., Dzyubenko, E., Dzyubenko, N. 2012. Effective conservation of Medicago Crop Wild Relatives in Russia and neighbouring countries: a gap analysis points the way forward. Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Securing the diversity of Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces. p.82-90.
A New NPGS Special Collection: Norman L. Taylor University of Kentucky Clover Collection - (Abstract Only)
Pederson, G.A., Quesenberry, K.H., Greene, S.L., Aiken, G.E., Dinkins, R.D. 2011. A New NPGS Special Collection: Norman L. Taylor University of Kentucky Clover Collection. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. San Antonio, TX (Oct. 16-19, 2011).
The role of international research projects in the dissemination of innovative technologies in Russia: AgroAtlas case study - (Proceedings)
Afonin, A.A., Greene, S.L., Dzyubenko, N., Frolov, A. 2011. The role of international research projects in the dissemination of innovative technologies in Russia: AgroAtlas case study. Geography in Earth Sciences: modern problems of science and education. January 2011.
Initial efforts to develop a national strategy to protect crop wild relatives native or naturalized in the United States - (Other) - (01-Sep-10)
Crop wild relatives of Medicago in Russia and neighboring countries: gap analysis for effective conservation - (Proceedings)
Greene, S.L., Afonin, A., Dzyubenko, E., Dzyubenko, N. 2010. Crop wild relatives of Medicago in Russia and neighboring countries: gap analysis for effective conservation. Symposium for the establishment of European genetic reserves for CWR and landraces. p.29.
Managing the U.S. germplasm collection of temperate forage legumes to serve diverse collection users and global conservation - (Proceedings)
Greene, S.L. 2010. Managing the U.S. Germplasm Collection of Temperate Forage Legumes to Serve Diverse Collection Users and Global Conservation. International Symposium on Forage, Turfgrass and Biofuel Germplasm Research. p. 201-203.
Morphological and Molecular Variation in Perennial Medicago (Alfalfa) Germplasm - (Abstract Only)
Han, Y., Greene, S.L., Monteros, M. 2010. Morphological and Molecular Variation in Perennial Medicago (Alfalfa) Germplasm. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. 87-2.
Using molecular markers to guide the in situ conservation of Trifolium thompsonii: a vulnerable endemic of Washington - (Abstract Only)
Greene, S.L., Kisha, T.J. 2009. Using molecular markers to guide the in situ conservation of Trifolium thompsonii: a vulnerable endemic of Washington. Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI. 2009-53127.
Interactive Agricultural Ecological Atlas of Russia and Neighboring Countries:Economic Plants and their Diseases, Pests and Weeds. - (Other)
Afonin, A.N., Greene, S.L., Dzyubenko, N.I., Frolov, A.N. 2009. Interactive Agricultural Ecological Atlas of Russia and Neighboring Countries:Economic Plants and their Diseases, Pests and Weeds (online). Available at:
Chapter 2. Genetic Resources Reprint Icon - (Book / Chapter)
Boller, B., S.L. Greene. 2010. Genetic Resources. p. 13-38. /In/ B. Boller, U.K. Posselt, F. Veronesi (ed.)Handbook of Plant Breeding- Vol. 5 Fodder and Amenity Grasses, Springer, NY.
Possibilities of GIS for Plant Introduction - (Proceedings)
Afonin, A., Greene, S.L., Lee, Y. 2008. Possibilities of GIS for Plant Introduction. In Proceedings of Landscape Industry 2008. p. 66-69.
User-Friendly Gis: Helpful Tools for Crop Development - (Proceedings)
Greene, S.L. 2007. User-friendly gis: helpful tools for crop development. In: Janick, J. and A. Whipkey (eds.). Issues in New Crops and New Uses-Proceedings of the Sixth National Symposium Creating Markets for Economic Development of New Crops and New Uses. 2007. ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA p. 19-22.
Evaluation of genetic diversity, population structure and identification of a Medicago truncatula core collection using SSR markers - (Abstract Only)
Han, Y., Zhang, G., Sledge, M.K., Greene, S.L., Coyne, C.J., Monteros, M. 2007. Evaluation of genetic diversity, population structure and identification of a Medicago truncatula core collection using SSR markers. Abstract 278-3. Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI.
Alternatives to Honeybees for Pollinating Clover (Trifolium L.) Germplasm Accessions - (Proceedings)
Greene, S.L., Bell, A.B. 2007. Alternatives to Honeybees for Pollinating Clover (Trifolium L.) Germplasm Accessions. In: Proceedings 9th International Pollination Symposium on Plant-Pollinator Relationships - Diversity in Action. p. 64-65.
Conserving alfalfa wild relatives: is past introgression with Russian varieties evident today? Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Greene, S.L., Kisha, T.J., Dzyubenko, N.L. 2008. Conserving alfalfa wild relatives: is past introgression with Russian varieties evident today?. Crop Science 46:1853-1864.
Interactive GIS Atlas of Economic Plants and Pests of Russia and Neighboring Countries. - (Abstract Only)
Greene, S.L., Afonin, A., Frolov, A., Dyubenko, N. 2006. Interactive GIS Atlas of Economic Plants and Pests of Russia and Neighboring Countries. ASA Abstract, Madison, WI.
Wild Accessions and Populations - (Book / Chapter)
Greene, S.L., Hughes, S.J., Nair, R., Huguet, T., Aouani, M.E., Prosperi, J.M., Delalande, M. 2006. Wild Accessions and Populations. In: Medicago Truncatula Handbook. Available:
Medicago truncatula Stock Center - (Book / Chapter)
Nair, R., Hughes, S.J., Ellwood, S., Oliver, R., Greene, S.L., Delalande, M., Wen, J., Oldroyd, G. 2006. Medicago truncatula Stock Center. In: Medicago Truncatula Handbook. Available:
Temperate forage legume and grass genetic resources: capitalizing on the U.S. germplasm system - (Proceedings)
Greene, S.L., Bradley, V.L., Johnson, R.C. 2006. Temperate forage legume and grass genetic resources: capitalizing on the U.S. germplasm system. Meeting Proceedings.
Using Prevosti's Distance Coefficient for Direct Statistical Analysis of Population Differences - (Abstract Only)
Kisha, T.J., Johnson, R.C., Skinner, D.Z., Greene, S.L. 2006. Using prevosti's distance coefficient for direct statistical analysis of population differences [abstract]. HortScience. 44(4):967-698.
Webgrms: Prototype Software for Web-Based Mapping of Biological Collections Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Greene, S.L., Minoura, T., Steiner, J.J., Pentecost, C.G. 2007. Webgrms: prototype software for web-based mapping of biological collections. Biodiversity and Conservation Journal 16:2611-2625.
Virtual Collection of Agricultural Crops, Their Wild-Growing Relatives and Pest Organisms Within the Former Soviet Union. - (Proceedings)
Greene S.L., Afonin A.N., Frolov A.N., Dzyubenko N.I., Levitin M.M., Grichanov I.Ya., Luneva N.N, Saulich M.I, 2005. In Virtual collection of agricultural crops, their wild-growing relatives and pest organisms within the Former Soviet Union. The 5th International Symposium-Electronic biological collections: theory, standards, and perspectives of usage, Zoological Institute & Botanical Institute RAS. September, 11-18, 2005.
Virtual Collection of Agricultural Crops, Their Wild-Growing Relatives and Pest Organisms Within the Former Soviet Union - (Proceedings)
Greene, S.L., Afonin, A.N., Fravlov, A.N., Dzyubenko, N.I., Levitin, M.M., Grichanov, I.Y., Luneva, N.N., Saulich, M.I. 2005. Virtual collection of agricultural crops, their wild-growing relatives and pest organisms within the former soviet union. The 5th International Symposium-Electronic biological collections: theory, standards, and perspectives of usage, Zoological Institute & Botanical Institute RAS. September, 11-18, 2005.
U.S. Germplasm Collection of Lotus: Activities over the Last Decade - (Popular Publication)
Greene S.L., 2005. U.S. Germplasm Collection of Lotus: Activities Over the Last Decade. Lotus Newsletter, 35:109-111.
A Gis-Based Interactive Agricultural Atlas of the Former Soviet Union with Special Reference to Ranges of Agricultural Pest Organisms. - (Proceedings)
Afonin, A.N., Greene, S.L., Frolov, A.N., Dzyubenko, N.I., Levitin, M.M., Grichanov, I.Ya., Luneva, N.N., Saulich, M.I. 2005. A GIS-based interactive agricultural atlas of the Former Soviet Union with special reference to ranges of agricultural pest organisms. In: Crop Protection Conference - Management aspects of crop protection and sustainable agriculture: Research, development and information systems, p. 5-7. St.Petersburg - Pushkin, May 31-June 3, 2005, St.Petersburg - Pushkin
Collecting Legumes in the Largest Remote Region Remaining in the Lower 48 States. - (Popular Publication)
Greene S.L., 2005. Collecting Legumes In The Largest Remote Region Remaining In The Lower 48 States. Aridus 17(1):1-5.
Variance of Molecular Genetic Distances among Alfalfa Synthetic Populations by Marker Type - (Abstract Only)
Kisha, T.J., Johnson, R.C., Skinner, D.Z., Bauchan, G.R., Greene, S.L. 2004. Variance of molecular genetic distances among alfalfa synthetic populations by marker type. Agronomy Abstracts. #5781.
Webgrms Mapping Software: Something New for the USDA Medicago and Trifolium Collections - (Proceedings)
Greene, S.L, T. Minoura, J. Steiner. 2004. WebGRMS Mapping software: Something new for the USDA Medicago and Trifolium collections. In Proceedings of the 40th North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference, July 18-21. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, [Online at:]
Dealing with Diversity: Seed Production Strategies in a Forage Legume Germplasm Collection - (Proceedings)
Greene, S.L. 2003. Dealing with diversity: Seed production strategies in a forage legume germplasm collection. In Redlands Park (ed). Herbage Seeds in the New Millennium-new markets, new products, new opportunities. Proceedings of the 5th International Herbage Seed Conference. pp. 88-92. Nov. 23-26, Gatton, Australia.
Isozyme Diversity in Wild Red Clover Populations from the Caucasus - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mosjidis, J.A., Greene, S.L., Klingler, K.A., Afonin, A. 0200. Isozyme diversity in wild red clover populations from the caucasus. Crop Science. 44:665-670
Morphological Evaluation of the Usda, Npgs Medicago Truncatula Collection - (Proceedings)
Greene, S.L. 2004. Morphological evaluation of the USDA, NPGS Medicago truncatula collection. In Proceedings of the 40th North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference, July 18-21. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. []
Collecting Wild Crop Relatives in the Northwestern Steppes of Kazakhstan - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Greene, S.L., Hannan, R.M., Afonin, A., Dzyubenko, N.I., Khusainov, A. 2005. Collecting wild crop relatives in the northwestern steppes of kazakhstan. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter. 141:1-6.
Non-Destructive Measurement of Vegetative Cover Using Digital Image Analysis - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Relating Morphologic and Rapd Marker Variation to Collection Site Environment in Wild Populations of Red Clover (Trifolium Pratense L.) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Greene, S.L., Gritzenko, M., Vandemark, G.J. Relating morphologic and rapd marker variation to collection site environment in wild populations of red clover (trifolium pratense l.). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution.
Incidence of Introgression Between Cultivated Alfalfa and Wild Relatives in Northwestern Kazakhstan. - (Abstract Only)
Greene, S.L., Kisha, T.J., Johnson, R.C. 2002. Incidence of introgression between cultivated alfalfa and wild relatives in northwestern Kazakhstan [abstract]. Crop Science Society of America. p. 173749.
Status of the Medicago Germplasm Collection in the United States - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bauchan, G.R., Greene, S.L. 2002. Status of the Medicago germplasm collection in the United States. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 129:1-8.
Status of the Medicago Germplasm Collection in the United States - (Review Article) - (06-Jan-02)
Variances of Genetic Distance Measurements among Alfalfa Accessions Compared from Several Molecular Marker Types - (Other)
Kisha, T.J., Johnson, R.C., Skinner, D.Z., Greene, S.L. Variances of genetic distance measurements among alfalfa accessions compared from several molecular marker types. Crop Science Society of America. 2002. Abstract p. 175620.
A Description of the Npgs Birdsfoot Trefoil Core Subset Collection - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (07-Jun-01)
The Case for Multiple-Use Plant Germplasm Collections and a Strategy for Implementation. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Greene, S.L. and J.B. Morris. 2001. The case for multiple-use plant germplasm collections and a strategy for implementation. Crop Sci. 41:886-892
Defining a Multiple-Use Germplasm Collection for the Genus Trifolium - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Morris, J.B., S.L. Greene. 2001. Defining a multiple-use germplasm collection forthe genus Trifolium. Crop Sci. 41:893-901
Comparison of Molecular Marker Types for Characterization of Alfalfa Accessions - (Other)
Kisha, T.J., R.C. Johnson, D.Z. Skinner, and S.L. Greene. Comparison of molecular markers types for characterization of alfalfa accessions. Crop Science Society of America. 2001. Abstract p. 200136
Improving the Quality of Germplasm Data to Enhance Germplasm Use and Management. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Greene, S.L. Improving the quality of germplasm data to enhance germplasm use and management. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter. 2001. v. 125 p. 1-8.
Powdery Mildew Caused by An Odium Sp. on Twenty-One Annual Medicago Spp. in California. - (Research Notes) - (01-Nov-99)
Using Geographic Information to Acquire Wild Crop Germplasm for Ex Situ Collections: Ii. Post-Collection Analysis - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Greene, S.L., T.C. Hart, A. Afonin. 1999. Using geographic information to acquire wild crop germplasmfor ex situ collections: II. Post-collection analysis. Crop Science 39:843-849.
Lotus Genetic Resources: Maintaining Diversity Through Conservation - (Other)
Greene, S.L. 1999. Conservation of Lotus genetic resources. In P.R. Beuselinck, C. Hoveland (ed.) Trefoil Science and Technology, pp. 61-80. CSSA Special Publication 28, Madison, WI.
Using Geographic Information to Acquire Wild Crop Germplasm for Ex Situ Collections: Map Development and Field Use. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Greene, S.L., T.C. Hart, A. Afonin. 1999. Using geographic information to acquire wild crop germplasm for ex situ collections: I. map development and field use. Crop Science 39:836-842.
Implementing Geographic Analysis in Germplasm Conservation - (Proceedings)
Geene, S.L. and T.S. Hart. 1999. Implementing a geographic analysis in germplasm conservation. In S.L. Greene and L.Guarino (ed). Linking genetic resources to geography: strategies for conserving crop biodiversity. pp. 25-38 CSSA Special Publication 27. Madison, WI.

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