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Greg Walden

Greg Walden
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  1. I've spoken with the chairmen of the House Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees, and participated in a high level State Department briefing this afternoon on the situation in Algeria. I'm sure everyone can appreciate the sensitivity of this crisis, and I'll continue to monitor it going forward. The State Department assured me they are and will continue to be in close contact with the affected families.
  2. Why did it take so long for the Obama Administration to "rule out" this magic trillion dollar coin? We still need to close the coin loophole and get serious about real debt reduction.
  3. Good news about BPA’s Ponderosa Substation upgrade. The Senators and I have been working with them for quite some time on this. This additional power is essential for growing our economy and jobs in central Oregon.
  4. Final town hall for the week this morning in Hood River-- thanks to everyone who joined me at our eight town hall meetings this week.
    Photo: Final town hall for the week this morning in Hood River-- thanks to everyone who joined me at our eight town hall meetings this week.
  5. Great to be in Boardman with the sun setting over the Columbia River in the background. One more town hall this week in Hood River tomorrow morning at 8 am at the Hood River Senior Center (2010 Sterling Place).
    Photo: Great to be in Boardman with the sun setting over the Columbia River in the background. One more town hall this week in Hood River tomorrow morning at 8 am at the Hood River Senior Center (2010 Sterling Place).
  6. Good crowd in Hermiston for our sixth town hall this week. On to Boardman next.
    Photo: Good crowd in Hermiston for our sixth town hall this week. On to Boardman next.
  7. Good morning from John Day! Click the video below to hear an update on my town hall meetings this week. I'm in the middle of a 571 mile, five day swing with eight town hall meetings in eight counties. Looking forward to the town hall meetings in Hermiston and Boardman later today and in Hood River tomorrow morning.
  8. Holding my fourth town hall this week in Fossil. On to Mt. Vernon next!
    Photo: Holding my fourth town hall this week in Fossil. On to Mt. Vernon next!
  9. I'm holding eight town halls this week in eight counties in the Second District-- here's a picture of my meeting in Moro this morning. We had over 100 people turn out in The Dalles yesterday, and we're on to Condon next. For a full list, click here:
    Photo: I'm holding eight town halls this week in eight counties in the Second District-- here's a picture of my meeting in Moro this morning. We had over 100 people turn out in The Dalles yesterday, and we're on to Condon next. For a full list, click here:
  10. I'll be talking to Neil Cavuto on Fox News at 1:10 PM Pacific time to talk about my plan to #stopthecoin and get spending under control.
  11. Have you heard about this ridiculous proposal to mint trillion dollar platinum coins to pay our bills and expand the debt? Today I introduced a plan to stop that.

    My wife and I have owned and operated a small business since 1986. When it ...came time to pay the bills, we couldn’t just mint a coin to create more money out of thin air. We sat down and figured out how to balance the books. That’s what Washington needs to do as well. My bill will take the coin scheme off the table by disallowing the Treasury to mint platinum coins as a way to pay down the debt. We must reduce spending and get our fiscal house in order

    Click here to read more:
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  12. Here are the facts on the plan passed yesterday to permanently extend tax relief for Oregon families and small businesses.
  13. Tonight the House passed a plan to permanently extend tax relief for Oregon families and small businesses and to stop our government from going over the fiscal cliff. The plan isn’t perfect, but I would not sit by as taxes go up on all Amer...icans, including more than $3,000 this year for the average Oregon family. I didn’t come to Washington to see taxes go up on middle income Americans, and we acted to stop that permanently.

    The plan passed tonight locks into place current tax rates for middle class families as our economy continues to struggle. It permanently holds down the death tax for small business owners, farmers, and ranchers. It permanently patches the alternative minimum tax (AMT) and extends the higher child tax credit. The plan does away with a new entitlement program created in Obamacare, and stops the President from giving members of Congress a pay increase as the President proposed. Finally, it extends the existing farm bill for one year as Congress works on a new long-term farm bill.

    Now that tax relief has been extended, it’s time for the President to work with Congress to get our nation’s fiscal house in order by addressing the underlying problem, which is spending. The national debt is currently $16 trillion and climbing, over $50,000 for every American. We must cut spending and grow our economy to avoid passing on an even bigger debt burden to our children and grandchildren.
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  14. Good news! House and Senate leaders have included a bipartisan plan on TRICARE Prime in the defense bill, with passage expected by the end of the year. The language is based on legislation I wrote with Rep. Bonamici and Rep. Amodei to the Pentagon to detail and address TRICARE Prime changes.

    Military retirees and their families in Oregon deserve answers from the Pentagon on upcoming changes to their health plan. If the Pentagon won’t do that on its own, my colleagues and I in Congress will ensure they do.
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