Jenny A. Durkan, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of WashingtonCybercrime

by Jenny A. Durkan
U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Washington and Chair Cybercrime and Intellectual Property Enforcement Subcommittee of the Attorney General's Advisory Committee

Cybercrime is one of the greatest threats facing our country, and has enormous implications for our national security, economic prosperity, and public safety. Attorney General Eric Holder has made it one of the Department of Justice's top priorities. The range of threats and the challenges they present for law enforcement expand just as rapidly as technology evolves.

President Obama's Remarks On Cybersecurity

U.S. Attorney General Holder discusses cybercrime with reporters President Obama discusses the importance of cybersecurity and how the "cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation."
Attorney General Eric Holder Discusses Cybercrime

U.S. Attorney General Holder discusses cybercrime with reporters U.S. Attorney General Holder, DHS Secretary Napolitano and other U.S. security and law enforcement officials spoke to reporters and answered questions following a meeting with European Union ministers to discuss counter-terrorism, cybercrime, and other issues.

internet stalking

Zane D. Memeger, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of PennsylvaniaConfronting First Amendment Challenges in Internet Stalking and Threat Cases

by Zane Memeger
U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

Communication over the internet has never been easier. With the addition of Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube over the last 10 years, our ability to share our thoughts, desires and actions with the outside world in realtime is a simple click away. While the internet can be a remarkable and valuable tool for purposes of exchanging artistic, political, religious and educational ideas that are protected by the First Amendment, it can also be a dangerous tool in the hands of those who seek to cause fear in others through threats and intimidation.

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Computer hacking & Intellecual property units

Melinda Haag, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of CaliforniaCHIP Units

by Melinda Haag
U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California

The first Computer Hacking/Intellectual Property (CHIP) Unit was founded in San Jose in the Northern District of California by then-U.S. Attorney Robert Mueller III (now FBI Director) in early 2000. The map of districts with CHIP unitsNDCA CHIP Unit was created in response to the pressing need for a core of highly-trained and experienced federal prosecutors dedicated to prosecuting cybercrime and to assisting federal agencies in their investigative efforts in Silicon Valley.

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Joyce White Vance, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of AlabamaSecret Service Computer Forensics Training Facility

by Joyce Vance
U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama

Today's high-tech environment constantly presents new challenges to law enforcement as cyber criminals exploit computers and the Internet to threaten banking, financial and other critical infrastructure. This ever-evolving criminal conduct has to be addressed by providing training in cyber investigative techniques and by sharing current expertise.

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Press Releases
Malaysian National Sentenced to 10 Years for Hacking Into Federal Reserve Bank
Eastern District of New York — November 4, 2011
Remaining Co-Founder of Ninja Pleads Guilty to Criminal Copyright Conspiracy
Eastern District of Virginia — November 3, 2011
Three Sentenced to Federal Prison for Forcing Labor and Distributing Pirated/Counterfeit CDs and DVDs
Southern District of Texas — October 14, 2011
Florida Man Arrested in "Operation Hackerazzi" for Targeting Celebrities with Computer Intrusion, Wiretapping, and Identity Theft
Central District of California — October 12, 2011
Atlanta Man Pleads Guilty to Federal Computer Hacking Charges
Northern District of Georgia — September 28, 2011
Charges in Distributed Denial of Service Attack Against Santa Cruz County Website
Northern District of California — September 22, 2011
Three Seattle Men Indicted for Computer Hacking, Fraud and Identity Theft
Western District of Washington — September 21, 2011

More press releases »

More DOJ Priorities

major courtroom achievements

Peter F. Neronha, U.S. Attorney for the District of Rhode IslandU.S. v. Google

On August 19, 2011, Google Inc. entered into a non-prosecution agreement with the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Rhode Island. This agreement resolved the government's long-running investigation into Google's advertising practices concerning online pharmacies.

André Birotte, Jr., U.S. Attorney for the Central District of CaliforniaProsecution of "Sextortionist" Luis Mijangos

Luis Mijangos infected the computers of hundreds of victims with malicious software that gave him complete access to, and control over, their computers. He targeted teens and young women, reading their emails, watching them through their webcams, and listening to them through their computer microphones.

Melinda Haag, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of CaliforniaProsecution of "Anonymous" Hacktivists

The United States Attorney's Office for the Northern District of California and the FBI have been active in investigating and prosecuting the cyber attacks initiated by members of the Internet activist group "Anonymous" and/or its associates.

David B. Fein, U.S. Attorney for the District of ConnecticutCoreflood Botnet Takedown & Civil Action

Infected by malicious software, millions of computers in the United States are part of "botnets" used by criminal organizations to commit fraud and other crimes on a massive scale.

Wifredo A. Ferrer, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida21 Charged in International Internet Fraud Scheme

On June 17, 2011, the United States Attorney's Office in the Southern District of Florida and the Department of Justice announced charges against 21 individuals for their participation in an international internet fraud scheme involving several networks of organized cyber-criminals in Romania and the United States.

Michael Cotter, U.S. Attorney for the District of MontanaUnauthorized Intrusions into an Investment Firm

A series of unauthorized intrusions into the computer system of a financial investment firm based in Great Falls, Montana, resulted in the theft of personal and/or financial account information from thousands of customers.
useful links

FBI on Cybercrime

Homeland Security on Cybercrime

National Security Online Alliance

U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team

Anti-Phishing Working Group:
How to Avoid Phishing Scams

Federal Trade Commission on Phishing

IRS on Cybercrime

FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center

Secret Service on Electronic Crimes Task Forces