BizCLIR Assessments

Nicaragua Assessment

Map of Nicaragua
This information comes from the assessment conducted in country for the Nicaragua report, which was published in January 2005. The overwhelming need for judicial reform in Nicaragua surpasses all other governmental reform initiatives in its urgency. Questions regarding judicial independence, impartiality, and substantive and administrative capacities dominate Nicaragua’s legal landscape and economic institutions.

Nicaragua BizClir Report

Attached Document: 
Document Type: 
December 1, 2004

Guatemala Assessment

Map of Guatemala

This information comes from the assessment conducted in country for the Guatemala report, which was published in January 2005.

Guatemala BizClir Report

Attached Document: 
Document Type: 
December 1, 2004

El Salvador Assessment

Map of El Salvador

This information comes from the assessment conducted in country for the El Salvador report, which was published in January 2005.

El Salvador Report

Attached Document: 
Document Type: 
January 24, 2011

Honduras Assessment

Map of Honduras

This information comes from the assessment conducted in country for the Honduras report, which was published in January 2005.

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