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This section covers general lender liquidation guidelines.

  • How will the NGPC process your case This Center will utilize Loan Resolution Teams to manage cases. Upon receipt of your request for action, your request will be assigned to a team for resolution. The assigned Loan Specialist will...
  • Prior to initiating recovery procedures, Lenders are strongly encouraged to prepare a comprehensive liquidation plan based on the facts known and reasonable assumptions.  As a guide, you may refer to and use SBA form 1979 for...
  • View the Care and Preservation of Collateral (CPC) Tabs.
  • View the Offer In Compromise (OIC) Tabs.
  • Lender’s actions must at all times be prudent, lawful and commercially reasonable, and consistent with the lenders practice on its non-SBA loans. For all servicing/liquidation actions not requiring SBA's prior written...

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