Israel and the Palestinian Territories

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Latest from USIP on Israel and the Palestinian Territories

  • February 12, 2013   |   Publication

    “Two-Sided Story,” a new documentary film supported by the U.S. Institute of Peace and the U.S. Agency for International Development, tells of a series of meetings organized by the Parents Circle Families Forum, a joint Palestinian-Israeli organization now numbering 600 families who have lost close family members to the decades-long conflict. USIP hosted a screening of the film on Feb. 7, followed by a discussion with two active members of the Parents Circle, Robi Damelin and Bassam Aramin.

  • February 6, 2013   |   Publication

    Countries transitioning to democracy must change old models of organizing the police, armed services, and intelligence services, which typically were characterized by mistreatment of the public, for models that stress transparency, accountability, and citizen involvement. Yet each new government in the Middle East and North Africa must tailor its reforms carefully and patiently in order to avoid backlash among security services.

  • February 5, 2013   |   Publication

    The hobbled Palestinian economy, the weakness of the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority that governs much of the West Bank and the dormancy of the peace process together may be increasing the risk of a deterioration of the conflict and an rise in violence on the West Bank in 2013. USIP’s continuing series on “sleeper risks” takes a closer look at this potentially explosive dynamic.

  • January 23, 2013   |   Publication

    This week’s parliamentary elections catapulted Yair Lapid, relatively unknown outside Israel, into a surprising position of influence as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tries to form the next government. USIP’s Lucy Kurtzer-Ellenbogen examines the possibilities.


Jerusalem's Old City (Credit: Lucy Kurtzer-Ellenbogen/USIP)

USIP addresses the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by engaging on the ground in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, and providing analysis and input to U.S. government stakeholders on policy options and approaches. 

Current activities include:

Israeli-Palestinian Security Cooperation
Senior Scholar in Residence Neil Kritz spends two weeks per month on the ground in Israel and the West Bank. Working out of the Quartet’s East Jerusalem office, Neil provides assistance to the Palestinian Authority in its efforts to reform and build capacity in the justice and security sectors. He also facilitates Israeli and Palestinian dialogue and cooperation around shared legal and security concerns.

Bridging Internal Divides 
USIP is working with Dr. Alick Isaacs, Ms. Sharon Leshem-Zinger, and Dr. Avinoam Rosenak to support the Siyach Shalom “Talking Peace” initiative in Israel. For more than two years, Siyach Shalom has been bringing together prominent and ideologically-disparate members of Israeli Jewish society from the religious leaders of the settlements to secular left-wing peace activists. Through regular facilitated dialogue sessions, these individuals are working together to reconstitute a more inclusive peace movement in the country. In its reach throughout Jewish Israeli society, and in the depth of discussion and cooperation generated, this project is breaking new ground in Israel. Read more about Talking Peace in the Jewish Journal and Haaretz.

Enhancing Conflict-Sensitive Policing
USIP has awarded a grant to the Abraham Fund Initiatives to enhance conflict sensitive police training and practice in Israel. The project will develop models of participation and cooperation with Arab society by including Arabs in police training and developing frameworks for dialogue and partnership. It will also develop curricular materials and conduct training on methods of policing that prevent conflict and build trust in divided societies. Through research, publications and dissemination activities, the project will conduct educational outreach, expanding internationally-relevant knowledge about policing in divided societies. Read USIP’s Grant Highlight on the Arab Society Police Initiative in Israel

Advising the Policy Community
USIP provides analysis and input on U.S. policy options through a variety of channels. In addition to our experts providing regular briefings to Congressional offices and Administration officials, USIP convenes a Senior Working Group on Middle East Peace, co-chaired by former National Security Advisers Samuel R. Berger and Stephen J. Hadley, and the Study Group on Arab-Israeli Peacemaking, chaired by Ambassador Daniel C. Kurtzer. The study group’s second book, which assesses U.S. policy on and involvement in Arab-Israeli peace negotiations from 1989 to 2011, is forthcoming in fall 2012. The group's first book was Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace: American Leadership in the Middle East.


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Learn more about USIP's Twenty Years After Madrid Conference

(Photo above right: The Bahai Gardens in Haifa, Israel. Photo credit: Lucy Kurtzer-Ellenbogen/USIP.)

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