Request a Tour of NWS Key West

How to schedule a tour:
To schedule a tour, please contact Laura Kasper at, or call her at 305-295-1316 ext 0.

Where we are located:
1315 White Street, Key West. This location is directly across White Street from Glynn Archer Elementary School, or "across from the tiger" in local speak! Tours should plan to enter from the White Street side. If you have students or adults with disabilities who may require use of a ramp, please let us know. We'll be happy to provide access through the United Street parking gate. Have the driver press the doorbell button when pulling up to the gate. Please understand that aside from limited fire access areas, most of our parking lot is permeable to mitigate rain flooding, and therefore is not designed to support the weight of buses. Please use White Street or United Street for transportation parking.

Tour Information:
We offer a "short tour" of around 30 minutes' time, and a "long tour" of around 60 minutes' time. Please plan for the following:
  • We request students be arranged in groups of 15 or less. If you have a class of more than 15, please plan to divide them into 2 groups before entering the weather station.
  • We are a 24/7 operational facility and therefore request strongly that students remain attentive and use "indoor voices." Please have students ask questions one at a time.
  • There are some sensitive objects in our facility. This includes a glass display case, encased posters on easels, computer equipment, and even a 6-piece art sculpture. Rambunctious behavior could jeopardize the safety of others. Please notify chaperones of these hazards, so that the safety and education for all can be maximized.
  • The Operations Area is where forecasters and technicians collect weather data, perform analysis and prepare forecasts and warnings. As such, the equipment which guides us has a myriad of beeps and whistles which we need to hear. Please set cell phones and pagers on vibrate or silence them completely before entering the Operations Area.
  • There is only one set of restrooms in the facility designed for our staff of 21 adults. Please ensure students have made a comfort stop before arriving on station. We advise only 2 students at a time if "nature calls."
  • While staff will do their best not to provide attractive nuisances, the shiftwork nature of the forecasting profession may require staff have their lunch while on shift and in operations. Please ensure your school rules regarding food and gum apply in our weather station.

What you will see:
Tour groups will be shown the following areas: is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services.