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User's Manual for the New England
Water-Use Data System (NEWUDS)

Open-File Report 01-328

By Marilee A. Horn

Image of the Cover of User's Manual for the New England Water-Use Data System (NEWUDS)


Water is used in a variety of ways that need to be understood for effective management of water resources. Water-use activities need to be categorized and included in a database management system to understand current water uses and to provide information to water-resource management policy decisionmakers.

The New England Water-Use Data System (NEWUDS) is a complex database developed to store water-use information that allows water to be tracked from a point of water-use activity (called a "Site"), such as withdrawal from a resource (reservoir or aquifer), to a second Site, such as distribution to a user (business or irrigator). NEWUDS conceptual model consists of 10 core entities: system, owner, address, location, site, data source, resource, conveyance, transaction/rate, and alias, with tables available to store user-defined details. Three components--site (with both a From Site and a To Site), a conveyance that connects them, and a transaction/rate associated with the movement of water over a specific time interval form the core of the basic NEWUDS network model.

The most important step in correctly translating real-world water-use activities into a storable format in NEWUDS depends on choosing the appropriate sites and linking them correctly in a network to model the flow of water from the initial From Site to the final To Site. Ten water-use networks representing real-world activities are described--three withdrawal networks, three return networks, two user networks, two complex community-system networks. Ten case studies of water use, one for each network, also are included in this manual to illustrate how to compile, store, and retrieve the appropriate data.

The sequence of data entry into tables is critical because there are many foreign keys. The recommended core entity sequence is (1) system, (2) owner, (3) address, (4) location, (5) site, (6) data source, (7) resource, (8) conveyance, (9) transaction, and (10) rate; with (11) alias and (12) user-defined detail subject areas populated as needed. After each step in data entry, quality-assurance queries should be run to ensure the data are correctly entered so that it can be retrieved accurately. The point of data storage is retrieval. Several retrieval queries that focus on retrieving only relevant data to specific questions are presented in this manual as examples for the NEWUDS user.


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Outside Cover (3.29 MB) --1 page
Inside Cover (37 KB) --2 pages
Table of Contents(TOC) (38 KB) --4 pages
Body of Report (3.42 MB) --47 pages
Appendix 1(TOC) (44 KB) --4 pages
Appendix 1 Body (4.85 MB) --124 pages
Appendix 2(TOC) (23 KB) --1 pages
Appendix 2 Body (17.85 MB) --158 pages
Appendix 3(TOC) (95 KB) --3 pages
Appendix 3 Body (181 KB) --33 pages
Glossary (85 KB) --5 pages

The report citation, in USGS format, is as follows:
Horn, M.A., 2003, User's Manual for the New England Water-Use Data System (NEWUDS): U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-328, 392 p.

Also available is a companion report for NEWUDS:
Data Model and Relational Database Design for the New England Water-Use Data System (NEWUDS)
Open-File Report 01-359

Plate showing the NEWUDS database structure.

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