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Sea Level Rise

Publications and Reports:

Modeling Sea-level Rise and Surge in Low-lying Urban Areas using Spatial Data, Geographic Information Systems, and Animation Methods (872 KB pdf file)

Peer-Reviewed chapter in Geospatial Techniques in Urban Hazard and Disaster Analysis, Pamela S. Showalter and Yongmei Lu, editors (2010) . Springer-Verlag. (862 kB pdf file)

Modeling Sea Level Rise Effects on Population using Global Elevation and Land-Cover Data (21 kB pdf file)

Modeling Sea Level Rise and Surge with Geographic Information System Datasets (13 kB pdf file)

Acceptance Certificate to the 31st International Geographical Congress (141 kB pdf file)


Resolution and Resampling Effects of Raster Data in Global and Regional Models (18.0 MB ppt file)

Elements of a Global Model: An Example of Sea Level Rise and Human Populations at Risk (3.5 MB pdf file)

Modeling Sea-Level Rise Effects on Population using Global Elevation and Land-Cover Data (7.0 MB pdf file)

Sea level rising - world

Sea Level Rise Animations

The animations are not a prediction of sea level rise, but rather illustrate areas of low elevation by a blue color simulating coverage by water. The numbers of people in those areas are tabulated. The animations are created using raster elevation, land cover, and population data at 1-kilometer (global), 90-meter (m) (regional) and 30-m (regional, specifically the United States areas) resolution. Colors reflect land-cover categories and the counts are numbers of people below specific elevations in the area shown. The animations provide a visual picture and are not meant to be site specific. They are based exclusively on elevation and do not attempt to account for tidal action, shoreline configuration, and other characteristics that might impact how the water would rise in a specific area. Data resolution and accuracy limits the ability to access a particular location and get an accurate measure of the exact inundation area and number of people. Any errors in the data will affect the accuracy of the simulations. The limits of rise of the global animations are set to 80 m, the theoretical limit of sea level rise if all glaciers and icecaps melt. For regional animations, a limit of 30 m is used since this was the greatest rise resulting from the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2005.

1 Km Global and Regional Animations

World(617 kB avi file)

Countries(1 MB avi file)

Southeast U.S. - Western Europe - China/N. Korea/S. Korea(1 MB avi file)

United States(935 kB avi file)

United States Coasts(1.6 MB wmv file)

Vietnam(980 kB wmv file)

90 m Regional Local Animations

Southern Baltic Sea(1.7 MB swf file)

Malaysia(941 kB wmv file)

30 m US Coast Animations

Alabama(1.6 MB Flash file)

Alaska(1 MB Flash file)

California-North(981 KB Flash file)

California-South(1.0 MB Flash file)

Connecticut(1.3 MB Flash file)

Delaware(1.1 MB Flash file)

Florida(1.6 MB Flash file)

Georgia(1.2 MB Flash file)

Hawaii(787 KB Flash file)

Los Angeles(1.1 MB Flash file)

Louisiana(1.7 MB Flash file)

Maine(1.2 MB Flash file)

Maryland(1.8 MB Flash file)

Massachusetts(1.2 MB Flash file)

Mississippi(1.6 MB Flash file)

New Hampshire(1.2 MB Flash file)

New Jersey(1.1 MB Flash file)

New York(1 MB Flash file)

North Carolina(1.4 MB Flash file)

Oregon(1 MB Flash file)

Pennsylvania(1.2 MB Flash file)

Puerto Rico(826 KB Flash file)

Rhode Island(1.1 MB Flash file)

South Carolina(1.2 MB Flash file)

Texas(1.4 MB Flash file)

Virginia(1.6 MB Flash file)

Washington DC(2.3 MB Flash file)

Washington(1.4 MB Flash file)

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Last modified: Thursday, 10-Jan-2013 13:36:51 EST