
NOTE: The documentation below is simply for illustration on how GEOPAK interprets the various elements drawn in a cross section file. The FLH .X21 and .x30 criteria have 2 types of subexcavation criteria to do this automatically for you. The examples below do not reflect the current levels or colors used with V8.

EXISTING UNSUITABLE (must tie to existing ground, another existing unsuitable or suitable, NOT P.F.G.)

Simple example, Subexcavation= 3.37... Backfill Subexcavation = 3.37
Simply draw around the area to be subexcavated as an Existing Unsuitable and connect to existing ground.

Subexcavation image

Below is a partial example of the earthwork summary for the cross-section shown above:

            Material Name    End Areas  Unadjusted Adjusted   Mult   Mass
Station                                  Volumes    Volumes   Factor Ordinate
                              (square    (cubic     (cubic                   
                               meters)    meters)    meters)                 
----------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ --------
   10+680.00 ITEM_NO._20401__ROADWAY_EXCAVATION
                Common Exc       1.49          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00        0
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       3.37          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00        0
                Mass ordinate for ITEM_NO._20402__SUBEXCAVATION = 0
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         8.08          0          0   1.00        0

In this example, only the area below subgrade (A=3.37) will be backfilled with a special material.   The layers above the yellow area will be constructed of various surfacing materials shown in the earthwork log file as "Undercuts".   Notice that the subexcavation quantity is not reflected in the Mass Ordinate, however the backfill for the subexcavation, (A=3.37) is combined with the General Fill, (A=4.70) for a combined "General" fill end area of 8.07.

For the correct General Fill volume, (shown on the last page of the earthwork log file), the Grand Total of SUBEXCAVATION "Subsoil Exc." needs to be subtracted from the Grand Total GENERAL "Fill".

Another way to achieve the correct General Fill volume is to simply rerun the earthwork input file with the "Existing Unsuitable" for SUBEXCAVATION commented out.


EXISTING UNSUITABLE (must tie to existing ground, another existing unsuitable or suitable, NOT P.F.G.)

More complicated example, Subexcavation= 2.87... Backfill Subexcavation = 2.87
See the following illustrations for "step by step" instructions on how to draw the elements and achieve these results.

Subexcavation image

Below is a partial example of the earthwork summary for the cross-section shown above:

            Material Name    End Areas  Unadjusted Adjusted   Mult   Mass
Station                                  Volumes    Volumes   Factor Ordinate
                              (square    (cubic     (cubic                   
                               meters)    meters)    meters)                 
----------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ --------
  10+780.00 ITEM_NO._20401__ROADWAY_EXCAVATION
                Common Exc       0.40         76         76   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       1.17         18         18   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00      281
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       2.87         61         61   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00      281
                Mass ordinate for ITEM_NO._20402__SUBEXCAVATION = 348
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         4.02         77         77   1.00      204

In this example, only the area below subgrade (A=2.87) is supposed to be backfilled with a special material.   All the areas above subgrade including the areas shown as A=1.14 & A=0.03, will be constructed of various surfacing materials shown in the earthwork log file as "Undercuts".   Notice that the subexcavation quantity is not reflected in the Mass Ordinate, however the backfill for the subexcavation, (A=2.87) is combined with the General Fill, (A=1.15) for a combined "Suitable" fill end area of 4.02.

For the correct General Fill volume, (shown on the last page of the earthwork log file), the Grand Total of SUBEXCAVATION "Subsoil Exc." needs to be subtracted from the Grand Total Suitable "Fill".

Another way to achieve the correct General Fill volume is to simply rerun the earthwork input file with the "Existing Unsuitable" for SUBEXCAVATION (LV=58 CO=58) and "Existing Suitable" (LV=54 CO=54) commented out.

Subexcavation image
  1. Draw the Existing Unsuitable at LV=58, CO=58.   Connect to existing ground, (LV=56).
    Subexcavation image
  2. Draw the Existing Suitable at LV=54, CO=54, by tracing the subgrade, beginning at the right edge of the Existing Unsuitable, and drawing left the intersection of the Existing Unsuitable and existing ground.   This is necessary to force the material being subexcavated to be excluded from the Roadway Excavation, Common Exc. and instead... begin a separate mass ordinate for the material laying on top of the element symbology of LV=58 CO=58.
    Subexcavation image
  3. The drawing above illustrates the finished drawing and all of the correct connections for the Proposed Undercut, Existing Suitable, and Existing Unsuitable.

Below is the complete log file containing the earthwork input file and the results.

For this example... I'm ignoring discussing the Proposed Undercuts, on levels 3 through 6.   THEY ARE DRAWN BY CRITERIA AND ARE AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATED BY THE EARTHWORK INPUT FILE.

Input  File: ew_x08.inp
Output File: subex.log
 1     1     1  
 1     2     2 
 1     3     3 Earthwork
 1     4     4  
 1     5     5 tolerance =   0.001
 1     6     6  
 1     7     7 xs dgn = ew_test.dgn
 1     8     8 
 1     9     9     Existing Ground Line
 1    10    10         soil type = Item_No._20401__ROADWAY_EXCAVATION
 1    11    11         roadway exc mult factor =     1.00
 1    12    12         subsoil exc mult factor =     1.00
 1    13    13         fill mult factor =     1.00
 1    14    14             type = line
 1    15    15             lv = 56
 1    16    16             co = 0 
 1    17    17  
 1    18    18     Existing Suitable Material
 1    19    19         soil type = rock
 1    20    20         roadway exc mult factor =     1.10
 1    21    21         subsoil exc mult factor =     1.10
 1    22    22         fill mult factor =     1.00
 1    23    23             type = line
 1    24    24             lv = 57
 1    25    25             co = 57
 1    26    26 
 1    27    27    Existing Suitable Material
 1    28    28         soil type = Item_No._20401__ROADWAY_EXCAVATION
 1    29    29         roadway exc mult factor =     1.0
 1    30    30         subsoil exc mult factor =     1.0
 1    31    31         fill mult factor =     1.00
 1    32    32             type = line
 1    33    33             lv = 54
 1    34    34             co = 54 
 1    35    35 
 1    36    36  
 1    37    37     Existing Unsuitable Material
 1    38    38         soil type = Item_No._20402__SUBEXCAVATION
 1    39    39         roadway exc mult factor =     1.0
 1    40    40         subsoil exc mult factor =     1.0
 1    41    41         fill mult factor =     1.00
 1    42    42             type = line
 1    43    43             lv = 58
 1    44    44             co = 58 
 1    45    45  
 1    46    46  
 1    47    47     Existing Unsuitable Material
 1    48    48         soil type = ex_pave1
 1    49    49         roadway exc mult factor =     1.00
 1    50    50         subsoil exc mult factor =     1.00
 1    51    51         fill mult factor =     1.00
 1    52    52             type = line
 1    53    53             lv = 45
 1    54    54             co = 0
 1    55    55 
 1    56    56     Existing Unsuitable Material
 1    57    57         soil type = ex_pave2
 1    58    58         roadway exc mult factor =     1.00
 1    59    59         subsoil exc mult factor =     1.00
 1    60    60         fill mult factor =     0.00
 1    61    61             type = line
 1    62    62             lv = 46
 1    63    63             co = 3
 1    64    64 
 1    65    65  Existing Unsuitable Material
 1    66    66         soil type = Item_No._20801__STRUCTURE_EXCAVATION
 1    67    67         roadway exc mult factor =     1.00
 1    68    68         subsoil exc mult factor =     1.00
 1    69    69         fill mult factor =     1.00
 1    70    70             type = line
 1    71    71             lv = 55
 1    72    72             co = 55 
 1    73    73 
 1    74    74    
 1    75    75 /* added lv = 46 & co = 3 */
 1    76    76     Proposed Finish Grade
 1    77    77         soil type = Suitable 
 1    78    78         roadway exc mult factor =     1.00
 1    79    79         subsoil exc mult factor =     1.00
 1    80    80         fill mult factor =     1.00
 1    81    81             type = line
 1    82    82             lv = 2,8,10,46
 1    83    83             co = 0,10-11,16-17,244,3 
 1    84    84  
 1    85    85 
 1    86    86     Proposed Undercut
 1    87    87         soil type = Item_No._40101__HOT_ACP
 1    88    88         roadway exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1    89    89         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1    90    90         fill mult factor =     0.000001
 1    91    91             type = line
 1    92    92             lv = 3
 1    93    93             co = 3
 1    94    94  
 1    95    95     Proposed Undercut
 1    96    96         soil type = Item_No._30201__EMULSIFIED_BASE_GR_D
 1    97    97         roadway exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1    98    98         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1    99    99         fill mult factor =     0.000001
 1   100   100             type = line
 1   101   101             lv = 4
 1   102   102             co = 4
 1   103   103  
 1   104   104     Proposed Undercut
 1   105   105         soil type = Item_No._30101__AGGREGATE_BASE_GR_D
 1   106   106         roadway exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1   107   107         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1   108   108         fill mult factor =     0.000001
 1   109   109             type = line
 1   110   110             lv = 5
 1   111   111             co = 5
 1   112   112  
 1   113   113     Proposed Undercut
 1   114   114         soil type = Item_No._20407_SELECT_TOPPING
 1   115   115         roadway exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1   116   116         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1   117   117         fill mult factor =     0.000001
 1   118   118             type = line
 1   119   119             lv = 6
 1   120   120             co = 6 
 1   121   121  
 1   122   122     Proposed Undercut
 1   123   123         soil type = FOUNDATION_FILL
 1   124   124         roadway exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1   125   125         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1   126   126         fill mult factor =     0.000001
 1   127   127             type = line
 1   128   128             lv = 7
 1   129   129             co = 7
 1   130   130 
 1   131   131 Proposed Undercut
 1   132   132         soil type = Item_No._25103__KEYED_RIPRAP
 1   133   133         roadway exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1   134   134         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1   135   135         fill mult factor =     0.000001
 1   136   136             type = line
 1   137   137             lv = 9
 1   138   138             co = 9
 1   139   139 
 1   140   140 Proposed Undercut
 1   141   141         soil type =  Suitable 
 1   142   142         roadway exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1   143   143         subsoil exc mult factor =     0.000001
 1   144   144         fill mult factor =     1.0
 1   145   145             type = line
 1   146   146             lv = 11
 1   147   147             co = 11
 1   148   148 
 1   149   149 
 1   150   150    /*Proposed Undercut
 1   151   151    common excavation only
 1   152   152         soil type = select_borrow
 1   153   153         roadway exc mult factor =     1.00
 1   154   154         subsoil exc mult factor =     1.00
 1   155   155         fill mult factor =     1.10
 1   156   156             type = line
 1   157   157             lv = 59
 1   158   158             co = 59 */
 1   159   159  
 1   160   160     Excavation Limits
 1   161   161         type = line
 1   162   162         lv = 43
 1   163   163         co = 0
 1   164   164 
 1   165   165 
 1   166   166     Write Earthwork Shapes
 1   167   167         plot param
 1   168   168             lv = 52
 1   169   169             co = 0
 1   170   170             wt = 0
 1   171   171             lc = 0
 1   172   172             Stratify Shape Color
 1   173   173  
 1   174   174      /* combine common exc + subgrade exc + subsoil exc */
 1   175   175  
 1   176   176     Process Earthwork for Baseline = a
 1   177   177         job number = 123
 1   178   178  
 1   179   179         beg sta = 10+680
 1   180   180         end sta = 10+780
 1   181   181 

            Material Name    End Areas  Unadjusted Adjusted   Mult   Mass
Station                                  Volumes    Volumes   Factor Ordinate
                              (square    (cubic     (cubic                   
                               meters)    meters)    meters)                 
----------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ --------
  10+680.00 ITEM_NO._20401__ROADWAY_EXCAVATION
                Common Exc       1.49          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00        0
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       3.37          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00        0
                Mass ordinate for ITEM_NO._20402__SUBEXCAVATION = 0
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         8.07          0          0   1.00        0
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         0.54          0          0   0.00        0
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         0.42          0          0   0.00        0
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         1.09          0          0   0.00        0
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         2.28          0          0   0.00        0 

  10+700.00 ITEM_NO._20401__ROADWAY_EXCAVATION
                Common Exc       6.31         78         78   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00       78
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       3.68         71         71   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00       78
                Mass ordinate for ITEM_NO._20402__SUBEXCAVATION = 71
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         7.01        151        151   1.00      -73
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         0.54         11          0   0.00      -73
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         0.42          8          0   0.00      -73
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         1.09         22          0   0.00      -73
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         2.28         46          0   0.00      -73

  10+720.00 ITEM_NO._20401__ROADWAY_EXCAVATION
                Common Exc      10.39        167        167   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.24          2          2   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00       96
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       3.21         69         69   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00       96
                Mass ordinate for ITEM_NO._20402__SUBEXCAVATION = 139
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         5.50        125        125   1.00      -29
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         0.54         11          0   0.00      -29
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         0.42          8          0   0.00      -29
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         1.09         22          0   0.00      -29
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         2.28         46          0   0.00      -29

  10+740.00 ITEM_NO._20401__ROADWAY_EXCAVATION
                Common Exc      11.51        219        219   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.20          4          4   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00      194
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       4.19         74         74   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00      194
                Mass ordinate for ITEM_NO._20402__SUBEXCAVATION = 213
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         5.50        110        110   1.00       84
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         0.54         11          0   0.00       84
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         0.42          8          0   0.00       84
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         1.09         22          0   0.00       84
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         2.28         46          0   0.00       84

  10+760.00 ITEM_NO._20401__ROADWAY_EXCAVATION
                Common Exc       7.23        187        187   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.61          8          8   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00      279
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       3.19         74         74   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00      279
                Mass ordinate for ITEM_NO._20402__SUBEXCAVATION = 287
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         3.65         92         92   1.00      187
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         0.54         11          0   0.00      187
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         0.42          8          0   0.00      187
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         1.09         22          0   0.00      187
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         2.28         46          0   0.00      187

  10+780.00 ITEM_NO._20401__ROADWAY_EXCAVATION
                Common Exc       0.40         76         76   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       1.17         18         18   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00      281
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       2.87         61         61   1.00
                    Fill         0.00          0          0   1.00      281
                Mass ordinate for ITEM_NO._20402__SUBEXCAVATION = 348
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   1.00
                    Fill         4.02         77         77   1.00      204
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         0.54         11          0   0.00      204
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         0.42          8          0   0.00      204
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         1.09         22          0   0.00      204
                Common Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
              Subgrade Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
               Subsoil Exc       0.00          0          0   0.00
                    Fill         2.28         46          0   0.00      204 
.                 G R A N D     S U M M A R Y     T O T A L S
               Material Name         Unadjusted Adjusted   Mult
                                     Volumes    Volumes   Factor
                                     (cubic     (cubic
                                      meters)    meters)
        ---------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------
                          Common Exc        728        728   1.00
                        Subgrade Exc         33         33   1.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   1.00
                            Fill              0          0   1.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   1.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   1.00
                         Subsoil Exc        348        348   1.00
                            Fill              0          0   1.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   1.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   1.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   1.00
                            Fill            554        554   1.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   0.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   0.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   0.00
                            Fill             54          0   0.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   0.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   0.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   0.00
                            Fill             42          0   0.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   0.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   0.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   0.00
                            Fill            109          0   0.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   0.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   0.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   0.00
                            Fill            228          0   0.00

                 B A L A N C E    P O I N T    S U M M A R Y
               Material Name         Unadjusted Adjusted   Mult
                                      Volumes    Volumes   Factor
                                      (cubic     (cubic
                                       meters)    meters)
        ---------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------
  Station = 10+725.04
                          Common Exc        300        300   1.00
                        Subgrade Exc          4          4   1.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   1.00
                            Fill              0          0   1.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   1.10
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   1.10
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   1.10
                            Fill              0          0   1.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   1.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   1.00
                         Subsoil Exc        158        158   1.00
                            Fill              0          0   1.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   1.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   1.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   1.00
                            Fill              0          0   1.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   1.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   1.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   1.00
                            Fill              0          0   1.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   1.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   1.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   1.00
                            Fill              0          0   1.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   1.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   1.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   1.00
                            Fill            304        304   1.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   0.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   0.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   0.00
                            Fill             24          0   0.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   0.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   0.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   0.00
                            Fill             19          0   0.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   0.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   0.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   0.00
                            Fill             49          0   0.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   0.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   0.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   0.00
                            Fill            103          0   0.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   0.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   0.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   0.00
                            Fill              0          0   0.00
                          Common Exc          0          0   0.00
                        Subgrade Exc          0          0   0.00
                         Subsoil Exc          0          0   0.00
                            Fill              0          0   0.00