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Regional SPARROW Model Assessments of Streams and Rivers

Informing Management Decisions

SPARROW (Spatially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes) models have been developed for seven large regions
of the conterminous United States. Results from the models can be used to compare nutrient sources and watersheds that contribute elevated nutrient loads to downstreamreceiving waters, such as the South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, inland and coastal waters of the Northeast, the Upper Mississippi and Great Lakes, and Puget Sound. In the southwest, a SPARROW salinity model is used to estimate the spatial distribution of total dissolved solids and the natural human factors controlling salinity. A SPARROW nutrient model is also being developed for California.

Online Decision Support System

SPARROW models for each of the seven regions have been incorporated into an interactive, online decision support system so that water managers, researchers, and the general public can access SPARROW models and map predictions of long-term average water quality conditions, track transport to downstream receiving waters, and evaluate management sourcereduction scenarios.

Regional SPARROW Model Articles
(click on the region on the map to access the decision support system and article)

NAWQA Major River Basins MRB1 MRB3 MRB5 MRB4 MRB6 MRB7 MRB8

Press Release

Congressional Briefing on SPARROW | Slide Presentation

Stakeholder Quotes

Fact Sheet

Journal Article - A Web-Based Decision Support System for Assessing Regional Water-Quality Conditions and Management Actions


Journal of American Water Resources Association Feature Issue
Features a collection of articles on regional SPARROW models, regional analysis and watershed data on nutrient inputs, stream loads, and point sources.

Supporting Articles

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