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Results: 1 - 8 of 8
Q Where do I turn for help for myself or for another older person or for the caregiver of an older person?
A The Administration on Aging (AOA) Eldercare Locator is a free, online service that can connect you with resources and programs designed to assist seniors in your area. More >>
Q How can I get help with affordable health insurance for children?
A The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) expands health coverage to uninsured children whose families earn too much for Medicaid but too little to afford private coverage. More >>
Q I don't have a child support order. Can the Child Support Enforcement (CSE) Program help me?
A You need to work with your state or local Child Support Enforcement (CSE) office to try to establish a child support order. More >>
Q I'm a single parent. Is there any help available for my family?
A The Web site offers eligibility and contact information about all Federal programs that provide benefits or services. More >>
Q I am not satisfied with how my child support case is being handled. What do I do?
A The Child Support Enforcement (CSE) Program is run by states and counties and they are the best source of information about your case. More >>
Q What is child abuse or neglect? What is the definition of child abuse and neglect?
A Just as there are various types of abuse and neglect, the symptoms of abuse and neglect may vary from child to child. More >>
Q What are the signs or symptoms of child abuse or neglect?
A Just as there are various types of abuse and neglect, the symptoms of abuse and neglect may vary from child to child. More >>
Q Where can I find information on programs to help meet the needs of children and families?
A The Web site offers eligibility and contact information about all Federal programs that provide benefits or services. More >>
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