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Consumer Response Center

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Consumer Response Center Home
How to Choose and Use a Credit Card
Establishing Credit
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Credit Repair
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Credit Repair

Could your credit use a little "sprucing" up? The links below provide valuable advice.

Problems with Collection Agencies?

If you’re having problems with a collection agency or are getting collection calls and want to know how to stop them, see:

Have you been denied credit?

If the lender used a credit bureau to evaluate your application, it will be listed on the denial notice you received. Call or write to the credit bureau listed. You have the right to contact the credit bureau and obtain the information in your file. The information you receive will also include the source of the reported items. There is no charge for your credit report if it is requested within 60 days of receiving a credit denial notice.

Bad Spending Habits?

Your credit cards are maxed out and your spending habits are out of control. Where can you get help? For information, see:

Last Updated 01/22/2008 Customer Assistance Online Form