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Organizations' Assignment of Responsibility

File Additional Notification Concerning Loss of Personally Identifiable Information from Departmental Systems (EM)
File Appointment of Classification Officer/Program Classification Officer (NA)
File Appointment of Co-Deputy Designated Federal Officer for the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board at Hanford Site (EM)
File Appointment of Contracting Officer Representative for Contract No. DE-AC52-06NA25946 with National Security Technologies, LLC. (NA)
File Appointment of Contracting Officer's Representative for Contract DE-AC52-06-NA25396, Management and Operation of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (NA)
File Appointment of Contracting Officer's Representative for Management and Operating Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (NA)
File Appointment of Designated Approving Authority (NA)
File Approval of Nuclear Safety Delegation for Y-12 Site Office (NA)
File Approval of Nuclear Safety Delegations Nevada Site Office (NA)
File Approval of Nuclear Safety Delegations Y-12 Site Office (NA)
File Approve Designation of Exemptions and Equivalencies Approval Authority (NA)
File Approve Request for Delegated Acquisition Executive Authority Level for Office of Nuclear Energy Projects Executed Under Department of Energy Order 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets (NE)
File Co-Deputy Designated Federal Officer for the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board At the Hanford Site (EM)
File Co-Deputy Designated Federal Officer for the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board a the Savannah River Site (EM)
File Defense Programs (DP) Policy for Quality Assurance Program (QAP) Review, Approval and Concurrence (NA)
File Defense Programs' Delegation of Nuclear Safety Approval Authorities
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive (AE) Authority for the Remote Handled Low Level Waste (RH LLW) Disposal Project (NE)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive (AE) Authority for the Material Security and Consolidation Project (08-D-702) (NE)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Authority (AE) for the Advanced Post Irradiation Examination (PIE) Capability Project (NE)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Authority (AE) for the Resumption of Transient Testing of Nuclear Fuels Project (NE)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Authority for Capital Asset Projects at Idaho Cleanup Project (EM)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Authority for Capital Asset Projects at Idaho Cleanup Project (James R. Cooper-EM)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Authority for Capital Asset Projects at Oak Ridge Office (EM)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Authority for Capital Asset Projects at Office of River Protection (EM)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Authority for Capital Asset Projects at Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office (EM)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Authority for Capital Asset Projects at Richland Operations Office (EM)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Authority for Capital Asset Projects at Richland Operations Office (Matthew McCormick-EM)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Authority for Capital Asset Projects at Savannah River Operations Office (EM)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Authority for Capital Asset Projects at Small Sites (EM)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Authority for Capital Cleanup Projects at Savannah River Site
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Responsibilities for Nuclear Materials Safeguards and Security Upgrade Project (Phase II) (NA)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Responsibilities for Security Improvements Project (NA)
File Delegation of Acquisition Executive Responsibilities for Materials Security and Consolidation Project (NE)
File Delegation of Approval Authority (NE)
File Delegation of Approval Authority for Maintenance Implementation Plans (MIP) (NA)
File Delegation of Approval Authority for Unclassified Foreign Visits and Assignments (SC)
File Delegation of Authorities to Office of River Protection Waste Treatment Plant Federal Project Director Dale E. Knutson (EM)
File Delegation of Authority (NA)
File Delegation of Authority - Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Safety and Security Program Environmental Management (EM)
File Delegation of Authority - Office of Environmental Management (EM) Specific Authorities (EM)
File Delegation of Authority DOE O 458.1, Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment (EM)
File Delegation of Authority for Department of Energy Order 5400.5, Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment (EM)
File Delegation of Authority for Safeguards and Security (EM)
File Delegation of Authority to Approve Corrective Action Plans Developed in Response to Independent Oversight Inspections Conducted by the Office of Health, Safety and Security (NE)
File Delegation of Authority to Approve Relocation and Recruitment Bonuses (EM)
File Delegation of Authority to Approve Relocation and Recruitment Bonuses Richland Operations Office (EM)
File Delegation of Authority to Approve Special Act or Service Monetary Awards (NA)
File Delegation of Authority to Conduct Damage Assessments Carlsbad Field Office (EM)
File Delegation of Authority to Conduct Damage Assessments Richland Operations Office (EM)
File Delegation of Authority to Conduct Damage Assessments Savannah River Operations Office (EM)
File Delegation of Authority to Waste Treatment Plant Project Federal Project Director for Granting Exemptions/Equivalencies from Requirements for Certain DOE Directives (EM)
File Delegation of Authorizing Official Office of River Protection (EM)
File Delegation of Designated Approval Authority Richland Operations Office (EM)
File Delegation of Designated Approval Authority Carlsbad Field Office
File Delegation of Designated Approval Authority Consolidated Business Center (EM)
File Delegation of Designated Approval Authority Savannah River Operations Office (EM)
File Delegation of Environmental Authorities Carlsbad Field Office (EM)
File Delegation of Environmental Authorities Idaho Operations Office (EM)
File Delegation of Environmental Authorities Oak Ridge Office (EM)
File Delegation of Environmental Authorities Office of River Protection (EM)
File Delegation of Environmental Authorities Office of Small Site Completion
File Delegation of Environmental Authorities Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office (EM)
File Delegation of Environmental Authorities Richland Operations Office (EM)
File Delegation of Environmental Authorities Savannah River Operations Office (EM)
File Delegation Of Firearms And Arrest Authority (NA)
File Delegation of Personnel Management Authority Human Capital and Corporate Services (EM)
File Delegation of Personnel Management Authority to Environmental Management Field Managers (EM)
File Delegation of Safety Authorities as specified in DOE M 411.1-1C (EM)
File Delegation of Safety Authorities for Brookhaven Federal Project Director Office of Environmental Management (EM)
File Delegation of Safety Authorities for Carlsbad Field Office (EM)
File Delegation of Safety Authorities for Idaho Operations Office (EM)
File Delegation of Safety Authorities for MOAB Federal Project Office (EM)
File Delegation of Safety Authorities for Oak Ridge Office (EM)
File Delegation of Safety Authorities for Office of River Protection (EM)
File Delegation of Safety Authorities for Packaging and Transportation (EM)
File Delegation of Safety Authorities for Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office (EM)
File Delegation of Safety Authorities for Richlan Operations Office (EM)
File Delegation of Safety Authorities for Savannah River Operations Office (EM)
File Delegation of Safety Authorities for West Valley Demonstration Project Office (EM)
File Delegation of Weapon Data Access Authority
File Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, and Property Management Ames Site Office (SC)
File Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, and Property Management Brookhaven Site Office (SC)
File Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, and Property Management Berkeley Site Office (SC)
File Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, and Property Management Chicago Office (SC)
File Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, and Property Management Fermi Site Office (SC)
File Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, and Property Management Pacific Northwest Site Office (SC)
File Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security Argonne Site Office (SC)
File Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, and Property Management SLAC Site Office (SC)
File Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, and Property Management Thomas Jefferson Site Office (SC)
File Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations, Safety, and Security
File Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Property Management Oak Ridge Office (SC)
File Department of Energy Strengths Management of the Waste Treatment Plant in Washington State (EM)
File Deputy Designated Federal Officer (DDFO) for the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board at the Idaho National Laboratory (EM)
File Designated Approving Authority Delegation Memorandum (NE)
File Designating Responsibility for Equivalencies or Exemptions from Department of Energy Directives (EM)
File Designation of Environmental Management Federal Project Director for Separations Process Research Unit (EM)
File Designation of Federal Project Director and Deputy Federal Project Director for Brookhaven Federal Project Office (EM)
File Management of Program Direction Funding Allocations (EM)
File National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Delegation Procedure (NA)
File National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Headquarters Federal Technical Capability Panel (FTCP) Agent
File Office of Science is Exempt from DOE Order 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets (SC)
File Organizational Changes and Designation of Office of Environmental Management Federal Project Director for the Brookhaven National Laboratory (EM)
File Re-delegation of Authorities Related to Work Force Restructuring Actions at DOE Facilities
File Roles and Responsibilities for the Central Technical Authority, Chief Nuclear Safety/Chief Defense Nuclear Safety, and Chief Operating Officer (SC)
File Security Incident Damage Assessments (NE)
File Unclassified Foreign Visits and Assignments (EM)
Document Actions
For more information about Secretarial Delegations of Authority, please contact LaVerne Fuller (MA-90) at  (202) 586-1996 or Gail Cephas at (202) 586-1049.