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Spotlight on: The Memphis MBDA Business Center

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Created on February 25, 2013

The name “Tennessee” originated from an old Yuchi Indian term "Tana-see" meaning "The Meeting Place".  With the state’s long history of entrepreneurship and innovation, it’s no coincidence that an MBDA Business Center has made its home in Memphis.  

The Memphis MBDA Business Center was launched in April 2012.  In less than a year, they have reported assisting minority-owned firms secure over $26 million in contracts and capital, creating hundreds of jobs. When asked to reflect on some of the biggest successes of the Memphis MBDA Business Center thus far, Beverly Goines the Executive Director, stated: “We are truly proud of the way our relationship with our clients has evolved. At first we were only approached about specific contract opportunities and although this is important, we knew we could do more. Through hard work and being results-driven, we’ve gained the trust of our clients and have become an integral part of their business growth strategies.”

Serving clients of scale from a multitude of industries and surrounded by corporate giants like Fed Ex and International Paper; MBDA continues to leverage its expertise and network to be “the meeting place” for firms to access markets and capital worldwide. For more information, contact the Memphis MBDA Business Center, (901) 528-1432.

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