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USAID | Afghanistan

From the American People

Health Systems 20/20

Health (Field Support Projects)
October 2008 - September 2012

Health Systems 20/20 is USAID’s global health flagship project to strengthen health systems by addressing financing, governance, operational, and capacity-system constraints in an integrated manner. This activity supports Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) development and institutionalization of National Health Accounts (NHA), a universally accepted comprehensive methodology of tracking a country’s budget inputs and expenditure flows within a defined period. Knowledge of how budgets flow within the MoPH serve as a critical input into the development of a solid health financing strategy for Afghanistan and will improve evidence-based decision making by both the Afghan government and donors. NHA data also assists policymakers in their efforts to better understand their healthcare system, rationally allocate resources, and improve performance. The project supports the implementation of the MoPH’s National Health Care Financing Strategy in several areas, including strengthening non-governmental organization financial management and reporting, improving MoPH financial planning and management, and exploring the feasibility of various health insurance mechanisms.

HS2020 Fact Sheet - Jan 2013

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