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Regulatory Guidance Letters (RGLs), Notices, & MOU/MOAs

Commonly Used RGLs

RGL 05-01 (02/14/2005) - Guidance on the Use of Financial Assurances, and Suggested Language for Special Conditions for Department of the Army Permits Requiring Performance Bonds. 

RGL 05-04 (8/19/2005) - Discharge of Sediments From or Through a Dam and the Breaching of Dams 

RGL 05-05 (12/7/2005) - Ordinary High Water Mark Identification 

RGL 05-07 (12/8/2005) - Approved NEPA Categorical Exclusions for NWP 23 

RGL 05-08 (12/7/2005) - Environmental Impact Statement Third Party Contracting 

RGL 06-01 (1/25/2006) - Timelines for Appeal Requests

RGL 06-02 (7/6/2006) - Guidance on Dredged Material Testing for Purposes of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, and Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 

RGL 07-02 (7/4/2007) - Exemptions for Construction or Maintenance of Irrigation Ditches and Maintenance of Drainage Ditches Under Section 404 of Clean Water Act

RGL 08-02 (6/26/2008) - Jurisdictional Determinations 

RGL 08-03 (10/10/2008) - Minimum Monitoring Requirements for Compensatory Mitigation Projects Involving the Restoration, Establishment, and/or Enhancement of Aquatic Resources

Federal Notices & Guidance

Federal Register Notice (12/30/2008) - Revisions to the Clean Water Act Regulatory Definition of Discharge of Dredged Material, Final Rule 

Federal Register Notice (3/12/2007) – Reissuance of Nationwide Permits

Revised Guidance on Clean Water Act Jurisdiction Following the Supreme Court Decision in Rapanos v. U.S. and Carabell v. U.S. (12/2/2008)

Memorandum of Understanding / Agreement (MOU/MOA)