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Road graveling project breaks ground in Bytemor Village, Chimtal District

USAID's CBSG project broke ground on a new road-graveling project in Balkh Provine



Groundbreaking ceremony for the Bytemor Road Graveling Project.

On February 24, the district governor of Chimtal, representatives from the Balkh Provincial Directorate of Economy, members of Chimtal District Community Development Council (CDC), community elders, and religious leaders from Bytemor Village, and representatives from USAID’s Community Based Stabilization Grants (CBSG) project broke ground on a new road-graveling project.  Chimtal is the most insecure district in Balkh Province.  CBSG is focused in implementing activities in these areas as part of its effort to stabilize vulnerable and recently secured districts.  Lack of a proper road in Bytemor Village left this underserved community cut off from government services, leaving the village vulnerable to a return of insurgent influence.  The graveling of 3.5 kilometers of road connecting the village to the district center was identified by the community as a priority request by local residents.

During his speech, the Chimtal district governor mentioned USAID’s CBSG project as the most successful program at addressing basic needs of communities in highly unstable areas of the province where few development projects have been implemented.  He added, “CBSG projects decrease the gap between communities and the local government.  Communities now understand how collaboration with the local government can help address their needs and bring stability to their areas.”

USAID/Afghanistan Program Highlights: 2/16/2011-2/28/2011

Learn more: Stabilization

About this activity: Community Based Stabilization Grants (CBSG)


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