ITL’s Wo Chang Receives INCITS Excellent Standards Management Award

Wo Chang, Information Access Division, was presented a Special Recognition for Excellent Standards Management Award by the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) during the meeting of the INCITS L3 Technical Committee on Coding of Audio, Picture, Multimedia and Hypermedia Information on February 26, 2008.   Wo Chang has served as Deputy Chair for the INCITS L3.1 Working Group, Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) Development Activity, in addition to actively participating in the MPEG standard technology development.  He also provided document management support for over 700 archived documents serving approximately 500 U.S. companies.

The award citation reads:

“INCITS (InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards) L3 "Coding of Audio, Picture, Multimedia, and Hypermedia Information," recognizes and appreciates the resources provided by the National Institute of  Standards and  Technology for enabling the outstanding performance, dedication, patience, creativity, and organization shown by Mr. Wo Chang for his excellent leadership as L3.1 MPEG Deputy Chair and management of standard specifications, working documents, reference software, and testing materials that has played a vital role in the advancement of international multimedia standards.

INCITS L3 activities and project development are conducted at the international level for the standardization of coded representation of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information, and of sets of compression and control functions for use with such information, such as: audio information, bi-level and limited bits-per-pixel still pictures; computer graphics images; moving pictures and associated audio, multimedia and hypermedia information for real-time final form interchange; and audio visual interactive scriptware.

CONTACT: Martin Herman (ITL), ext. 4495