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Idaho National Laboratory Technology Marketing Summaries

Here you’ll find marketing summaries for technologies available for licensing from the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The summaries provide descriptions of the technologies including their benefits, applications and industries, and development stage.

66 Technology Marketing Summaries
Title and Abstract
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Blue Mussel Adhesive

Using reverse-genetics molecular biology techniques, researchers at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) have replicated the genetic machinery used by the blue mussel to produce the adhesive anchors and threads that keep it tethered to rocks and other objects in turbulent tidal waters. Most significantly, the INL technology may make it possible to produce adhesives that mimic those of the mussel being very strong, unaffected by water and able to bind to a variety of surfaces such as glass,... read more

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Cesium-131 Production
Cesium-131 production.
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Transuranic Waste Screener

The TRU waste screener (TRU-WS) is a multifunctional system for the rapid screening of transuranic material for criticality safety or screening for TRU content in open trays or waste containers.

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INL’s Plasma-Borohydride process produces borohydride from sodium borate which is capable of forming a chemical hydride for a storage medium of hydrogen.
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Plasma-Hydrocarbon conversion
INL’s Plasma-Hydrocarbon Conversion process enables conversion of heavy hydrocarbons, such as heavy crude oil and hydrocarbon gases like natural gas, into lighter hydrocarbon materials (e.g. synthetic light oil).
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Plasma-Thermal Synthesis
INL’s Plasma-Thermal Synthesis process improves the conversion process for natural gas into liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
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Welding – Friction Stir

Friction welding that uses a contact rotating tool creates frictional heating of an adjacent work piece. The process employs a mixer where the two pieces touch, an area called the plastic zone, to avoid the undesirable joining (e.g. alloying) of the two work pieces.

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Battery – Sensor Monitor

INL researchers have invented a method to evaluate materials using an impedance method, rather than relying upon nondestructive techniques optical, acoustic, radiographic and electromagnetic techniques.

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Cermet Filters
INL’s cermet filter is self-cleaning and reduces pollutant emissions, e.g. NOx in vehicles, which can be harmful in heavier duty diesel trucks. This filter lasts far longer compared to other filters because it is self-cleaning, which avoids plugging.
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LNG – Engine Delivery

This is a method of improved delivery of liquid natural gas (LNG) within an engine delivery system. The LNG gas is first be pumped into the insulated holding tank from a fueling station. As a tank is refueled, any remaining liquefied gas vapors are condensed and returned to the liquid state. This allows the tank to fill quicker and hold more fuel, without having to vent any vapor into the atmosphere.

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Sensor – Data Trace Communication
This is a method and process for detecting, locating and quantifying physical phenomena using a “data” trace that may be incorporated and/or installed on structures including oil and gas pipes and bridges, buildings, etc.
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Sampling – Soil
INL has developed a method for sampling soil to determine the presence of extremely fine particles such as absorbents.
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Separations – Two-Stroke Engine
This invention manages and separates the non-combusted liquid and gaseous in the exhaust stream of a 2-stroke internal combustion.
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Nano Materials – Permeable Reactive Barrier
Scientists at Idaho National Laboratory have developed improved nano-composite materials composed of an organic polymer constituent, an inorganic constituent, and a metal ion sequestration constituent. These nano-composite materials offer a number of improvements in permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) technology.
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Robotics – Intelligence Kernel

This is a guidance system that utilizes GPS and an autonomous control system incorporated into the operating system of industrial and agricultural equipment. Current systems provide an operator with assisted navigation via a satellite position signal. This enables operators to maintain a straight line when driving equipment, thus minimizing “skip” and “overlap.” While this is beneficial, many current systems do not relieve the operator from driving tasks. Current... read more

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INL scientists have developed a process to produce plasmids that are anti-HIV and anti-anthrax agents, which can be encoded as antiviral agents to destroy infected cells.
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Solid Catalyst – Alkylation

This is a method used to reactivate solid/liquid catalysts used in INL’s super critical process to produce alkylates. The method brings the catalyst into contact with the designated fluid that serves as the reactivating agent and has the density to dissolve the impurities. The process reactivates the catalyst by exposing it to a series of agents to dissolve the fouling agents. Once the catalyst has been processed with the fluid-reactivating agents, it is then separated so that it may be... read more

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Hydrogen – Radialysis
INL scientists have invented a process of forming chemical compositions, such as a hydrides which can provide a source of hydrogen. The process exposes the chemical composition decaying radio-nuclides which provide the energy to with a hydrogen source to form a hydride.
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Supercritical Slashing Fibers

The INL designed a system that allows for continuous processing of various non equi-dimensional substrates. By using a processing chamber that allows a substrate to pass through, the substrate is exposed to a treatment mixture which consists of a modifying agent combined with a supercritical fluid. On either end of the device are seals which are configured to allow the substrate to pass into and out of the apparatus.

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Plasma—Methane Reformation
INL thermal plasma methane reformation process produces hydrogen and elemental carbon from natural gas and other hydrocarbons, such as natural gas or methane.
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Biodiesel – SSC Process

INL’s biodiesel-SSC uses solid catalyst under super-critical fluid conditions to produce biodiesel from a full range of lipid feedstock. This invention provides in a single-phase process for producing alkyl esters from triglycerides or fatty acid material feedstock. The material is mixed with an alcohol and a solvent supercritical gas (e.g. carbon dioxide or alkane) to produce glycerol/glycerin and an alkyl ester out of fatty acid for further refinement. The refining process uses gravity... read more

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INL has developed a thermal plasma quench to cool the heat generated from rapid chemical reactions, preventing adverse reactions or decompositions to undesirable products.

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Energetic Material – Explosives

INL has invented a process for creating energetic materials, including trinitrotoluene (TNT).  By using a carbon dioxide environment, which reduces the amount of acid generated from the nitration reaction (orthonitrotoluene, ONT and dinitrotoluene, DNT). The process uses a surfactant, a nitrating agent, and a source of organic material to be nitrated. 

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Energetic Material – Electro Nitration
INL has developed an improved method of nitrating a nitro compound by oxidizing a chemical mediator in the presence of a voltage in order to produce an oxidizing agent. Then, the agent reacts with a nitro compound and ion source in a solution in order to form a geminaldinitro compound. The electrochemical synthesis of geminaldinitro results in the formation of a nitro compound that may be used in explosives and other defense and industrial applications.
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Nano Particles – Supercritical Fluid Process

Scientists at Idaho National Laboratory have invented a new method of producing quantum particles of varying dimensions by employing supercritical fluid process. The process exposes a single source precursor to a supercritical fluid, such as carbon dioxide, scientists developed a process to form nanoparticles for use in semi-conductor devices.

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L/CNG - Refueling Systems

INL has developed a LNG/CNG refueling process and method for dispensing liquefied natural gas (LNG), compressed natural gas (CNG) or both on demand. The process utilizes CNG as a source of LNG, and is stored in a cryogenic storage vessel on site. A low volume high pressure pump is coupled to the source of LNG to produce a stream of pressurized LNG that can be selectively directed through a LNG or CNG flow path, which may include a vaporizer to produce CNG from the pressurized LNG. The fueling... read more

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Optical Sensor – Arc Welding
 INL has created a special advanced manufacturing technology that uses an integrated optical sensor for arc welding with a multifunction feedback control. The sensor uses a Charge Coupled Device camera and diode laser positioned behind the arc torch to measure the weld pool position and width, the standoff distance, and the post-weld centerline-cooling rate. One computer processes the information from the sensor and passes the information to another used in feedback loops to control the... read more
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Ion Removal
INL’s ion removal technology leverages the ability of phosphazene polymers discriminate between water and metal ions, which allows water to pass through the membrane while retaining the ions.
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Laser Catalyst
INL’s Laser Catalyst is a method for removing contaminant matter from a porous material. A polymer material is applied to a contaminated surface and then irradiated to cause redistribution of the contaminant matter. The final step is removal of a portion of the polymer material from the surface.
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Plasma-Spray Tool

Controlled engineered coatings are important in many manufacturing processes.  INL’s plasma-spray tool provides a highly control coating operation delivering accurate thicknesses, porosity, crack density, and grain structure. The invention delivers tightly controlled spray pattern shapes and/or spatial distribution of particles. The system also provides a feedback of spatial distribution of particles or spatial parameter characteristics of particles, temperature with this operation,... read more

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Orbital Vibrator

INL orbital vibrator invention improves determination of rock porosity and permeability in oil recovery operations. It provides accurate data about small rock samples so when they are sent to the laboratory the real properties of the rocks in the oil situ can be determined. Two internal accelerometers mounted within a down hole are employed to measure the acceleration of the device.

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Electrolysis – High Temperature – Hydrogen

INL has developed a high-temperature process the utilizes solid oxide fuel cells that are operated in the electrolytic mode. The first process includes combining a high-temperature heat source (e.g. nuclear reactor) with a hydrogen production facility by taking a stream of water and heating it and then splitting the water into hydrogen and oxygen product streams.

A second method uses several loops, including a primary heat loop, intermediate exchange loop, power generation loop, and hydrogen... read more

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Membranes – Phosphazene

INL’s new phosphazene membrane technology provides a method for making polydichlorophosphazene using solid state reactants that simplifies previous processes with a “single pot” two-step process. The process eliminates use of chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents, reducing the costs of equipment and increasing economies. Polyphosphazene polymers are inorganic in nature and consist of alternating phosphorus and nitrogen atoms with alternating double and single bonds.

Phase one of... read more

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Electrolysis – Hydrogen

INL has invented a process that leverages nuclear technology in combination with various carbon sources to produce synthetic gases for refinement into synthetic transportation fuels/chemicals. Using solid-state electrolysis, water is decomposed to hydrogen and oxygen in one process, while carbon dioxide is decomposed to carbon monoxide and oxygen in another. From these products some of the hydrogen is combined with oxygen to form water, while more hydrogen reacts with carbon monoxide to produce... read more

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Percussion Tool

INL has invented a new technology for use in an electric percussion hammer drill, which includes a reciprocal moveable hammer that drives a tool bit delivering both reciprocal movement and rotatable movement. The hammer drill deliver exceptional hammer velocity and increased hammer blow frequency with reduced weight.

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Laser Induced Spectroscopy

INL’s Laser Induced Spectroscopy technology detects and measures the composition of a material or the molecules in the material. It traces the constituents of the material by using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and laser induced fluorescence under ambient conditions.

The technology measures the decay emission values of the excited absorption state and compares it to decay emission values of samples of known trace constituent composition. The laser is performed at a selected... read more

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Analytical Spectroscopy
INL’s analytical spectroscopy technology provides for isotopic analysis of material with sufficient dispersion to accommodate full-sized discrete dynode multipliers for simultaneously measuring adjacent isotopes. It also includes a magnetic sector to separate a plurality of ion beams and an electrostatic sector to receive many ion beams from the magnetic sector and increase separation between the ion beams.
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Acoustic Imaging Suite

INL’s acoustic imaging technology improves methods of capturing moving images of a specified object by using a photorefractive effect to produce a full-field image of the object without using a probe to perform a full scan of the object. INL technology includes a second device that produces an acoustic image of an object using acoustic wave results in the formation of at least one surface displacement on the surface of the target object. A light source produces an optical object wave... read more

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Biofuels – Biomass Feedstock

INL’s process enables an agricultural combine to separate multiple products , e.g. agricultural residue, grain, etc. in a single pass across a field. The remaining material will pass through a secondary thresher separate internodal stem from the plant material and then passed to baler. The crops or plant material which could benefit from this product include: wheat, barley, corn, or it could be utilized by grain crops, cereal crops and legumes.

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Biofuels – Jet fuel

This is a process for producing jet fuel from biological feed stock, including animal fats and oils, vegetable oils, and crop seed oils. The aviation and fuel-producing communities would have the option of leveraging available renewable and/or nonrenewable jet fuel sources. The oils and fats can be distilled, separated, and purified to change fuel composition, weights, etc.  In certain situations oils can be hydrocracked to produce smaller molecular weights and different catalysts,... read more

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Analytical Electrostatic

The Appelhans '821 electrostatic dispersion lens (EDL) enhances the dispersion between ion beams without regard to the energy of ions in the beams. It uses an electrostatic field shaped by two nested, one-quarter section, right cylindrical electrodes held at opposite voltages with a constant gap width between the cylindrical electrodes.

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Analytical Spectroscopy

The use of lasers has become increasingly widespread, especially for manufacturing products and material analysis. Recently, laser desorption (LD) techniques for mass spectrometry have attracted attention because it produces intact molecular ions, avoids surface charging issues, and allows tuning of laser irradiation to accommodate various sample types. LD microprobe mass spectrometers use scanning techniques that rely on manipulation of a sample target.

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Geospatial Decision Making System

The INL has developed a geospatial decision making process to assist agricultural producers in optimizing operating conditions of combine harvesters  which detects the presence of grain and distinguishes between that and residual plant material. Upon detecting grain in the process, the system sends an electrical signal which determines the amount of grain being processed in the machine, improving the accuracy of grain-loss sensors and greater efficiency and higher yields. Previous... read more

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Oil Field Management System

The INL has developed a device for metering oil and gas streams that consist of both gas and liquid parts presents a significant challenge. Commonly used multi-phase flow meters reflect significant gains in this technology, but still have major flaws in accurately metering and accounting the material flows.

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Advanced Material Development, Processing and Characterization
The patented suite of Advanced Material Development, Processing and Characterization offers armor structures to prevent unauthorized entry or intrusion into a building or area. Primarily, armor structures, like load bearing walls or exterior doors, are designed for resisting an attack from a wide variety of sources.
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Method for Detecting an Element
Using gamma ray spectrum analysis, this patented invention detects a desired element from a very small sample and by compares it to a small sample of the element already present in the detection field. Available devices have been developed with a similar function, but are slow and inaccurate.
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Geologic and Environmental Probe System

Migration of contaminants from buried waste sites can be a threat to the safety of groundwater resources.  Ideally, migration of contaminants would be detected as close as possible to the source, minimizing aquifer impact and cleanup costs.  However, monitoring within or beneath waste sites is generally avoided due to the resulting surface contamination created during insertion of traditional monitoring devices.  Researchers at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in Idaho Falls,... read more

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Two-stroke Engine Exhaust Emissions Separator

INL has developed a novel technology for significantly reducing 2-cycle engine exhaust emissions.  This patented technology has the potential to make 2-cycle engines run cleaner by significantly reducing smog emissions while simultaneously reducing noise emissions. It also promises to be relatively inexpensive to implement.  The technology utilizes a modified vortex tube design, which causes unconsumed oil in the exhaust to condense and collect where it can easily be discarded or... read more

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Systems and Methods for Delivering Liquefied Gas to an Engine
INL has developed a method and apparatus for delivery of liquefied natural gas for transportation applications. A first conduit extends from a vapor holding portion of the tank to a valve device. A second conduit extends from a liquid holding portion of the tank to the valve device. Fluid coupled to the valve device is a vaporizer which is in communication with an engine. The valve device selectively withdraws either liquefied gas or liquefied gas vapor from the tank depending on the pressure... read more
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Hydrogen and Elemental Carbon Production from Natural Gas and Other Hydrocarbons

INL has developed a fast quench reactor process to produce diatomic hydrogen and unsaturated hydrocarbons. During the fast quench, the unsaturated hydrocarbons are further decomposed by reheating the reactor gases. More diatomic hydrogen is produced, along with elemental carbon. Other gas may be added at different stages in the process to form a desired end product and prevent back reactions. The product is a substantially clean-burning hydrogen fuel that leaves no greenhouse gas emissions and... read more

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Cermet Materials, Self-Cleaning Cermet Filters, Apparatus and Systems Employing Same

INL has developed a method for fabricating a self-cleaning porous cermet material filter and system that may be used in filtering particulate and gaseous pollutants from internal combustion engines, which have intermetallic and ceramic phases. The porous cermet filter may be made from a transition metal aluminide phase and an alumina phase. Filler materials may be added to increase the porosity or tailor the catalytic properties of the cermet material. Also, the cermet material may be... read more

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Methods, Apparatuses and Systems for Processing Fluid Streams Having Multiple Constituents

This novel technology from INL uses pressure letdown equipment to separate salable and feed gases from waste gas streams.  By applying traditional equipment to gaseous waste streams, costs can be reduced by requiring lower flow and maintenance equipment.

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Auto-Steering Method and Apparatus

This patented technology is an integrated system to perform autonomous parallel path swathing with either manned or unmanned ground vehicles. Using precise satellite positioning, this patented technology provides automated steering control, contour following, and obstacle avoidance on various equipment such as agriculture, mining, environmental, forestry, etc.

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Photon Induced Positron Annihilation (PIPA)

This suite of patents define a non-destructive testing technology that uses photon induced positrons to measure volumetric changes in the lattice structure of metals, polymers, and ceramic components.  The system uses a linear accelerator or calibrated photon source, a germanium (Ge) detector and a data processing that can be operated by an easily-trained individual to provide results for further interpretation. The photon source is directed toward a target to create positrons within it,... read more

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Method and Apparatus for In-Situ Real Time Characterization of Energy Storage and Energy Conversion Devices

INL has developed a method and apparatus for determining an impedance of an energy-output device using a random noise stimulus applied to the energy-output device. A random noise signal is generated and converted to a random noise stimulus as a current source correlated to the random noise signal. A bias-reduced response of the energy-output device to the random noise stimulus is generated by comparing a voltage at the energy-output device terminal to an average voltage signal. The random noise... read more

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Method for Forming Ammonia

INL has developed a novel thermal plasma process that provides a source of metal particles as a supply to the plasma reactor to form metal nitride particles. Then, the reaction with the metal nitride particles reacts with water to generate ammonia and an oxide/hydro-oxide byproduct. 

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Solid Catalyzed Isoparaffin Alkylation at Supercritical Fluid and Near-Supercritical Fluid Conditions
INL has developed a solid catalyst process for the alkylation reaction of isoparaffins with olefins over solid catalysts. The process includes contacting a mixture of an isoparaffin, an olefin and a phase-modifying material with a solid acid catalyst member under alkylation conversion conditions at either supercritical fluid, or near-supercritical fluid conditions. Temperature and pressure conditions are important in relation to the critical temperature (Tc) and the critical pressure (Pc) of... read more
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Method and Apparatus for Selectively Harvesting Multiple Components of a Plant Material

INL has developed a method and apparatus for selectively harvesting multiple components of a plant material. A grain component is separated from the plant material such as by processing the plant material through a primary threshing and separating mechanism. At least one additional component of the plant material is selectively harvested such as by subjecting the plant material to a secondary threshing and separating mechanism. For example, the stems of a plant material may be broken at a... read more

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Systems, Methods and Computer Readable Media for Modeling Cell Performance Fade, Kinetic Performance, Capacity Loss, of Rechargeable Electrochemical Devices
 INL has developed a set of methods to define measure, evaluate, track and predict performance and aging trends for advanced chemistry batteries, including lithium-ion batteries.  INL’s novel modeling approach generates principal performance metrics such as kinetic performance, capacity loss, conductance fade, power loss, and ancillary quantities.  The kinetics model yields highly accurate predictions of voltage drop and impedance contributions for a given electrochemical... read more
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Methods and Systems for the Production of Hydrogen

INL has developed a novel process for producing hydrogen using a reduced outlet temperature of Very High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor. This process uses a combination of hydrogen recycle, a molten salt or helium, and a supercritical CO2 cycle. This method preheats the feed, reduces pumping power in the primary side and/or thermal transmission piping, and converts the power unit, achieving a high electrical conversion efficiency of 45%. This process reduces the operating outlet temperature of... read more

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Polybenzimidazole Compounds, Polymeric Media, and Methods of Post-Polymerization Modifications

INL has developed a patented process to handle and process polybenzimdazole (PBI) compounds that previously could only be handled in very heavy low vapor pressure organic solvents. With the new process the resulting compounds are modified to provide increased solubility in higher vapor pressure solvents and at significantly greater concentrations. These compounds may be utilized in a wide array of applications where high temperature and polymeric materials are utilized. Compounds made with this... read more

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Phosphazene Membranes for Gas Separations

INL has developed novel membrane materials for the selective removal of polar gases from non-polar gases, such as methane. These phosphazene membranes are mechanically durable, as well as flexible, permitting their application for a wide variety of uses. They are effective when used in challenging environments, such as high temperatures (stable at approximately 300 degrees Celsius), various pressures and corrosive situations. These materials are much simpler, costs less, and are stable in... read more

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Methods and Apparatus for Measurement of a Dimensional Characteristic and Methods of Predictive Modeling

INL has developed a patented optical method using a filar micrometer microscope with an electronic readout for measuring strain in gas composition. Currently used methods require large samples and take many months to equilibrate. This new method uses small samples, which significantly reduces the time required to obtain measurements (i.e. hours versus months). Benefits include more accurate modeling of CO2 sequestration in coal beds, as well as increased energy production from coal.

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Continuous Flow Differential Pressure Rotary Transport System
This patent-pending active material transport system design concept provides solutions to several process challenges associated with moving materials across pressure differentials. It significantly improves:
  • Continuous, consistent, controllable material flow rates,
  • Real time, positive control of gas species and fuel/air ratios, and
  • Highly variable, efficient and scalable transport systems.
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Bio-Syntrolysis converts recyclable biomass (hay, straw, corn, stover, wood chips, or other plant waste) into synthetic, liquid transportation fuels that could be used in cars, trucks and planes. It is a patent-pending technology which strategically combines energy production processes into a refined energy system with a carbon conversion efficiency about 2.5 times that of cellulosic or grain ethanol.
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Supercritical/Solid Catalyst (SSC)
Supercritical/Solid Catalyst (SSC) is a tested and patented process that converts wastes with animal or vegetable fats, oils and greases into B100 ASTM-quality biodiesel. The process can handle waste streams with up to 100% free fatty acids, more than 30 percent water and high in contaminants such as sulfur, phosphorous, calcium and others.