U.S. Department of Justice

Incentive Living Program

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Nov. 01, 2012

Library ID

  • 026432

Other Information

  • 2012
  • 7 pages

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ANNOTATION: The selection of individuals for participation in the Colorado Department of Corrections Incentive Living Program is explained. “It is the policy of the Department of Corrections (DOC) to reward positive program participation and offender behavior through quality of life privileges and responsibilities … By offering an incentive living program it is the goal of the DOC to instill self-discipline that will help offenders when released to society. Participation in the Incentive Living Program is generally voluntary, but may be required in order to obtain certain assignments” (p. 1). Procedures cover: assignment to the program; identification of additional privileges, programs, and responsibilities afforded to offenders accepted to reside in the Incentive Living Program; Level III facility identification of additional privileges, programs, and responsibilities; Level V facilities with mixed custody populations identification of privileges, programs, and responsibilities; offenders performance of need tasks during a lockdown; waiting list; maintenance of admission criteria; refusing a cell assignment will result in removal from the program; period of time the offender needs to wait for reapplying to program following removal; denial or removal is not grievable; progressively moved offenders will be placed on the bottom of the waitlist; refusal to be assigned to the Incentive Living Program due to work programs/assignments will be referred for restricted privileges; and discretion over placement in or out of the program may be made by the appointing authority.

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