Mobile Health 2011

Mobile Health 2011

Co-authored by Tanna Drapkin, Managing Editor, Mobile Health 2011

On May 4 and 5, over 400 people will gather at Stanford University to hear 45 experts Exit Disclaimer share what really works in creating solutions to improve health behavior using mobile technology.

Hosted by Stanford University and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mobile Health 2011 Exit Disclaimer highlights real solutions for real people – practical, proven solutions. In fact, “What Really Works” is our official theme.

This is not a conference about speculation or ideas that live only in slides. That’s not helpful. This year we show what’s really working in many facets of mobile health, from early stage design to testing, from distribution to business models. And for the first time ever we’ll have a session on hacking for health (how people have used existing technologies to create quick health interventions), led by Google’s Chief Health Strategist, Dr. Roni Zeiger.

For two action-packed days, industry leaders, up-and-coming entrepreneurs, medical visionaries, and hard-working public servants will share their successes. We’ll learn from those with creative, cutting-edge approaches and from those who are working successfully within the confines of governmental security and privacy laws.

Our program Exit Disclaimer features short talks, fast-paced panels, and long breaks for quality conversations. That means attendees hear from all 45 experts and get to talk with them directly. Some of the most inspiring and exciting moments of the conference happen when attendees connect. Relationships blossom, collaborations ensue, and partnerships form to continue to the critical work of providing innovative and positive health impact through the use of mobile technologies.

Mobile Health 2011 brings together grassroots, global, national, and local health organizations, health promotion professionals, mHealth solution providers, mobile vendors, innovators and researchers in mobile technology and behavior change, as well as a broad range of students and individuals doing work in this field. Our attendees are motivated and care deeply about the conference theme.

The mobile health industry continues to evolve at a dizzying pace and along with it there is the possibility to find new and different approaches to health care. At Mobile Health 2011 Exit Disclaimer we highlight what is solving today’s health care problems with real results and stories. We showcase innovative and practical solutions, across a variety of sectors, which are a beacon for meaningful health care change right now. And if you’re unable to attend, follow the hashtag #MH11 Exit Disclaimer to see what we’re up to.

There are a limited number of tickets still available. Please email us if you are interested in attending. We also encourage you to read highlights from our 2010 and 2008 mobile conferences.

Posted in: Conferences, Mobile, New Media


  1. I think this is a good idea. It will save the tax payers and the stakeholders of our health care system lot of resources.
    Great Idea.

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