Secretary Clinton: Travel to London, Paris, and Islamabad

May 24, 2011 to May 27, 2011

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Secretary of State Clinton accompanied President Obama to London on May 24 for the first part of his state visit to the United Kingdom. This trip was a sign of the strength of the special relationship between our two countries, and of the United States’ enduring commitment to our allies and partners in Europe. Secretary Clinton also met with Foreign Secretary Hague while in London.

Secretary Clinton then traveled to Paris, France, to preside over the 50th Anniversary of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Ministerial Council Meeting, May 25-26. Events included the OECD’s 50th Anniversary Commemoration, at which the Secretary delivered the opening address in the presence of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan; several signing and adoption ceremonies; and a plenary session on “A New Paradigm for Development.” The Commemoration was live streamed at

Secretary Clinton also delivered keynote remarks in support of the launch of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) Global Partnership for Girls’ and Women’s Education. The Global Partnership will bring together companies, nongovernmental organizations, and governments to develop innovative programs to deliver education to women and girls. The event was live streamed on Thursday, May 26 at 8:00 am (EST) at

From Paris, Secretary Clinton traveled to Pakistan, accompanied by Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In Islamabad, the Secretary met with Pakistani leaders, recommitting to the strategic importance of the U.S.-Pakistan relationship.

05/27/2011 Remarks With Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
05/27/2011 Meeting With Staff of Embassy Islamabad
05/26/2011 Interview With Laurence Ferrari of TF1's
05/26/2011 Meeting With Embassy Staff and Families of the Tri-Missions
05/26/2011 Remarks at UNESCO Global Partnership for Girls’ and Women’s Education
05/26/2011 Remarks With OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria
05/26/2011 Remarks at the OECD Session on Development and Gender
05/25/2011 Remarks at Dinner for the OECD 50th Anniversary Ministerial
05/25/2011 Remarks on Russia's Membership in the Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions
05/25/2011 Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the OECD on African Public Debt Management
05/25/2011 Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the OECD on Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
05/25/2011 Remarks at the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the OECD
05/23/2011 Remarks With British Foreign Secretary William Hague
05/20/2011 Press Briefing by Senior Administration Officials on the President's Trip to Europe
05/17/2011 Preview of the OECD Paris Ministerial and OECD's 50th Anniversary Week Celebrations
05/10/2011 Welcome Letter to OECD Week 2011 Participants

Press Releases
-05/26/2011 Chair's Summary of the 2011 Anniversary OECD Ministerial Council Meeting
-05/26/2011 OECD 50th Anniversary Ministerial Council Meeting, May 2011 -- Key Deliverables
-05/26/2011 OECD Center for African Public Debt Management
-05/26/2011 OECD Gender Initiative
-05/26/2011 OECD Green Growth Strategy
-05/26/2011 OECD Session on Development and Gender
-05/26/2011 OECD Strategy on Development Framework
-05/26/2011 Russia Joins the OECD Working Group on Bribery
-05/26/2011 Updated OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

Public Schedule
05/26/2011 Public Schedule for May 27, 2011
05/26/2011 Public Schedule for May 26, 2011
05/25/2011 Public Schedule for May 25, 2011
05/24/2011 Public Schedule for May 24, 2011
05/23/2011 Public Schedule for May 23, 2011

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