Secretary Clinton: Travel to the Munich Security Conference

February 4, 2011 to February 6, 2011

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Secretary Clinton traveled to Munich, Germany, February 4 to 6, to participate in the Munich Security Conference where she conducted a series of bilateral meetings and gave remarks highlighting the importance of the transatlantic security relationship.

On Saturday, February 5, the Secretary and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov exchanged instruments of ratification for the New START Treaty, bringing the treaty into force.

A responsible partnership between the world’s two largest nuclear powers to limit our nuclear arsenals while maintaining strategic stability is imperative to promote global security. With New START, the United States and Russia have reached another milestone in our bilateral relationship and continue the momentum Presidents Obama and Medvedev created with the “reset” nearly two years ago.







02/06/2011   Briefing for the Traveling Press
02/06/2011   Interview With Greta van Susteren of FOX News
02/06/2011   Interview With Michele Kelemen of NPR 
02/06/2011   Meet and Greet with Staff and Families of the U.S. Consulate General Munich and Embassy Berlin
02/05/2011   Exchange of Instruments of Ratification for the New START
02/05/2011   Question and Answer Session at the Munich Security Conference
02/05/2011   Remarks at the Munich Security Conference Plenary Session

Related Information 
Munich Security Conference

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