Secretary Clinton: Travel to the Middle East and Europe

February 28, 2009 to March 8, 2009

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Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to Egypt, Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Belgium, Switzerland, and Turkey from February 28 to March 8, 2009.

Secretary Clinton attended and participated in the donor’s conference for Gaza recovery hosted by Egypt on March 2. Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George Mitchell and other high-level representatives were in attendance in Sharm el-Sheikh with the Secretary during the conference. The Secretary also met with senior Egyptian officials.

After the conference, Secretary Clinton traveled to Israel and the Palestinian Territories and met with senior officials.

In Brussels, Secretary Clinton attended an informal meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers on March 5, where she consulted with Allies to seek consensus on the approach to the upcoming NATO Summit. The Secretary also attended a meeting with foreign ministers from all NATO and EU countries, as well as Switzerland, to further boost transatlantic relations.

Also in Brussels, Secretary Clinton met separately with EU officials.

In Geneva, Secretary Clinton met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to discuss a number of issues of mutual interest, including possibilities for a follow-on agreement to START, and deepening our cooperation in areas such as Afghanistan.

While in Ankara Secretary Clinton met with key Turkish officials.

--03/07/09 Interview With Mehmet Ali Birand of Kanal D TV
--03/07/09 Remarks With Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan
--03/06/09 Remarks With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
--03/06/09 Interview With Kai Nicklasch of ZDF-TV
--03/06/09 Interview With Mark Mardell of BBC
--03/06/09 Interview With Michele Keleman of NPR
--03/06/09 Remarks With Czech Foreign Minister, EU External Relations Commissioner, and EU High Representative
--03/06/09 Remarks With European Parliament President Hans-Gert Pöttering
--03/05/09 Press Availability After NATO Meeting
--03/05/09 Remarks En Route Brussels, Belgium
--03/04/09 Remarks With Access English Language Microscholarship Program Students and Teachers
--03/04/09 Remarks at AMIDEAST for Access English Language Scholarship Program
--03/04/09 Remarks With Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
--03/03/09 Remarks With Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
--03/03/09 Remarks With Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni
--03/03/09 Remarks With Israeli President Shimon Peres
--03/03/09 Roundtable With Women's NGO and Female Entrepreneurs
--03/02/09 Press Availability at the End of the Gaza Reconstruction Conference
--03/02/09 Intervention at the International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Economy for the Reconstruction of Gaza
--03/02/09 Interview With Lamis el Hadidi of Egyptian TV
--03/02/09 Interview With Randa Aboul Azem of Al Arabiya
--02/27/09 Interview With David Gollust of Voice of America
--02/27/09 Special Briefing: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's Upcoming Travel to the Middle East and Europe

Other Releases
--03/07/09 Joint Statement by Turkey and the United States of America on the Occasion of the Visit of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Upon the Invitation of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Ali Babacan
--03/02/09 United States Assistance to the Palestinians

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