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NIST Health IT Symposium Series - March 2013


To introduce innovative health IT R&D to NIST's researchers working in health IT and to increase collaborations.

Related Project(s):


Eliot Siegel, Director, Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center Radiology


Start Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2013
End Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Location: Admin., Lecture Room D, Time 1:00 - 2:00pm
Audience: Industry, Government, Academia, Healthcare Providers
Format: Symposium


Registration Contact:

Gerlinde Harr

If you are not a NIST employee, contact Gerlinde Harr 3 business days prior to the event to make arrangements for access to the NIST campus. Information required is name (as it appears on an official ID) and citizenship. Foreign visitors will be required to prior additional information.