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Science » Earth Sciences » Geology

See Featured 37 Resources
The Earthquake Hazards Program offers frequently asked questions about earthquakes, research on earthquakes, and more. Visitors can follow recent seismic acitivity around the world, view hazard maps, or learn what a...  (U.S. Geological Survey)
Science360 for iPad provides easy access to engaging science and engineering images and video from around the globe and a news feed featuring breaking news from NSF-funded institutions. Content is either...  (National Science Foundation)
Earth from Space presents selected photos of features and processes of the earth, including cities, as seen by astronauts from space. Photos are from the NASA Space Shuttle Earth Observations...  (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
USGS Videos and Animations offers animations and videos for teaching earth science. Topics include earthquakes, earth's magnetic field, landslides, plate tectonics, tsunamis, urban growth and land use...  (U.S. Geological Survey)
Earth Science Quiz poses questions about volcanoes, three kinds of rocks, earth's layers, and more...  (U.S. Geological Survey)
Teach the Earth offers hundreds of teaching activities, visualizations, and resources for teaching earth science. Categories include biosphere, climate change, energy/material cycles, geology and...  (Science Education Resource Center, supported by National Science Foundation)
Geology at the U.S. Geological Survey provides resource collections and maps for studying earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and other natural disasters, as well as rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, earth's...  (U.S. Geological Survey)
Earth and Space Science provides activities, animations, and lessons on the structure, processes, and history of earth, as well as the solar system, and astronomy. Topics include earthquakes, faults...  (Exploratorium, supported by National Science Foundation)
Virtual Courseware demonstrates fundamental concepts related to earthquakes and global warming. Learn how to find the epicenter of an earthquake, how to determine richter magnitude, and how rocks are...  (California State University, Los Angeles, supported by National Science Foundation)
Earth System, Structure, and Processes provides video clips and interactive resources for learning about biogeochemical cycles, earth's changes and history, earth's surface and internal processes, energy, natural resources...  (Teachers' Domain, supported by Multiple Agencies)
Pedagogy in Action documents more than 25 pedagogic techniques for teaching sciences to undergraduates: case-based learning, game-based learning, making and testing conjectures, peer review...  (SERC, supported by National Science Foundation)
Teaching Geoscience with Visualizations features collections of dozens of animations for teaching geoscience topics -- atmosphere, biosphere, climate, earth's surface, energy and material cycles, geology, human dimensions...  (Carleton College, supported by National Science Foundation)
Rock Cycle Animations shows common rock-forming processes. See magma crystallize to form igneous rock, rock erosion to create sediment, transportation of sediment, deposition of sediment to create...  (Carleton College, supported by National Science Foundation)
Energy and Material Cycles Visualizations provides animations, images, graphs, and photos on the carbon cycle, greenhouse gases, sea ice, sea level change, interglacial cycle, continental drift, tectonic cycle, and the...  (Carleton College, supported by National Science Foundation)
Teaching Boxes helps teachers create earth science activities that focus on gathering data and analyzing scientific evidence. Topics include plate tectonics, weather essentials, seasonal upwelling...  (DLESE, supported by Multiple Agencies)
Geologic Information describes activities of the Geologic Division of the Department of the Interior. The Division's chief function is to carry out geologic and mineral resource surveys and mapping for...  (U.S. Geological Survey)
This Dynamic Earth: The Story of Plate Tectonics is an online book that introduces the theory of plate tectonics. It includes topics such as understanding plate motions, historical perspective, and more...  (U.S. Geological Survey)
Exploring Earth: Investigations provides more than 75 earth science investigations. Each presents photos and text (and sometimes video) that help students understand key earth science concepts. Among the topics...  (National Science Foundation)
Exploring Earth: Visualizations features over 100 animations and images that illuminate key concepts in earth science. Examples are: coal formation, nuclear fission, growth of a continent, tectonic plate movement...  (National Science Foundation)
Windows to the Universe explores the Earth, planets of our solar system, and the universe. It includes images, animations, and data sets, and information about books, movies, scientists, and myths...  (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
National Science Digital Library provides access to resources in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education and research. From video clips teaching cell division to simulations demonstrating plate...  (National Science Foundation)
Geologic Time: The Story of a Changing Earth examines the history of Earth. Learn about the formation of Earth, dating the age of rocks, geologic time, plate tectonics, climate change, ocean circulation, evolution, extinction...  (National Museum of Natural History, supported by Smithsonian Institution)
Digital Library for Earth System Education is a geoscience community resource that supports teaching and learning about the Earth system. Find thousands of reviewed resources on topics that include atmospheric science...  (National Science Foundation)
Earth and Environmental Science: Research Overview examines questions that scientists are pursuing: What part do we play in earth's changing climate? What can rock layers tell us about earth's history? How can we understand the forces...  (National Science Foundation)
Geography Information points to educational resources for geography, geology, and mapmaking and describes various mapping services of the U.S. Geological Survey. The TerraServer has thousands of online...  (U.S. Geological Survey)
Enduring Resources for Earth Sciences Education is a database of materials for teaching earth science concepts. Created by teachers and earth scientists, the database includes maps, documents, and other resources for teaching about...  (National Science Foundation)
USGS Publications offers 40 online booklets on geology-related topics: acid rain, birth of mountains, building stones of our nation's capital, changing continents, collecting rocks, deserts, earth's...  (U.S. Geological Survey)
Discovering the Mysteries of Bryce Canyon National Park offers electronic field trips that combine live broadcasts and web resources to explore the geology and paleontological resources of Utah's Bryce Canyon National Park. Students are...  (National Park Foundation, supported by National Park Service)
Science Education Partnership Lessons is a database of selected hands-on science lessons developed by the partnership. Browse by grade and subject -- biology, chemistry, physical science, earth science, science skills...  (University of California, San Francisco supported by the National Institutes of Health, supported by National Institutes of Health)
Earth as Art: A Landsat Perspective shows striking photos of Aleutian clouds, the Araca River (Brazil), Atlas Mountains (Morocco), Guinea-Bissau (West Africa), Bolivian deforestation, Parana River delta marshland...  (Library of Congress)
Cascades Volcano Observatory provides answers to questions about volcanoes, an educator's guide to "Living with a Volcano in your Backyard," information about volcanoes in America's past (by state), how scientists...  (U.S. Geological Survey)
Museum of Paleontology features online exhibits and activities that allow you to experience the excitement of discovering and reconstructing a dinosaur, see underwater photos of a great white shark, trace...  (University of California, Berkeley, supported by National Science Foundation)
Minerals, Crystals, and Gems: Stepping Stones to Inquiry introduces students to mineral science and the scientific process -- observing things, forming hypotheses, and drawing conclusions. Students watch crystals grow, go on a scavenger...  (Smithsonian Institution)
Bryce Canyon National Park: Hoodoos Cast Their Spell looks at the history of this area in Utah known for its hoodoos -- limestones, sandstones, and mudstones that have been carved by erosion into spectacular spires, fins, and pinnacles...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
Park Geology Tour -- Geologic Features offers geologic field notes, maps, and photographs of the national parks. The site is organized around 14 thematic areas, such as fossils, plate tectonics, and volcanoes...  (National Park Service)
Carlsbad Caverns National Park is the website of this park in the Guadalupe Mountains (New Mexico) that contains 86 known caves, including Carlsbad Cavern, home of one of the world's largest underground chambers...  (National Park Service)
Ask-a-Geologist invites students to email government earth scientists with questions about volcanoes, earthquakes, mountains, rocks, maps, ground water, lakes, or rivers...  (U.S. Geological Survey)

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