Gravitational Astrophysics Laboratory (663) Home

thumbnail of gravitational wave spiral simulation
Gravitational Wave Spiral Simulation: Werner Benger (AEI/ZIB)
Copyright AEI/ZIB.

Binary Merger
Binary merger

Press Releases & Feature Stories

Simulations Uncover 'Flashy' Secrets of Merging Black Holes

Scientists use simulations to investigate what kind of "flash" might be seen by telescopes when astronomers ultimately find gravitational signals from merging black holes.

NASA Pinning Down 'Here' Better Than Ever

NASA is helping to lead an international effort to upgrade the four systems that supply crucial location information in pinpointing where "here" is.

Breakthrough Study Confirms Cause of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts

A new supercomputer simulation shows the collision of two neutron stars can naturally produce the magnetic structures thought to power the high-speed particle jets associated with short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs).

Picometre precision demonstrated by LISA Pathfinder tests

A European team working on the LISA Pathfinder mission has completed an extensive series of ground tests on the spacecraft's optical payload. The tests successfully achieved - for the first time on a spacecraft instrument - the incredible precision that will be required to confirm the existence of gravitational waves.

NASA'S Fermi Telescope Unveils a Dozen New Pulsars

NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has discovered 12 new gamma-ray-only pulsars and has detected gamma-ray pulses from 18 others. The finds are transforming our understanding of how these stellar cinders work.
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Laboratory News

Congratulations to Alice Harding

Dr Alice Harding has been awarded the American Astronomical Society High Energy Astrophysics Division Rossi Prize. The award is made jointly to Alice and Dr Roger Romani from Stanford University. The citation reads "To Alice K Harding and Roger W. Romani for establishing a theoretical framework for understanding gamma-ray pulsars."

Congratulations to new APS Fellow

Please congratulate Dr. Demos Kazanas for his election to Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). The citation reads "For diverse contributions to Astrophysics, ranging from a 1980 independent resolution, of the cosmological horizon problem using the vacuum energy of spontaneously broken gauge theory -- to the recent idea that AGN appearance depends on the properties of MHD winds launched from their accretion disks."
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The Gravitational Astrophysics Laboratory conducts a broad range of scientific investigations to test Einstein's theory of General Relativity. The Laboratory provides the science and technical leadership to develop space-based gravitational wave detection systems. Research encompasses a variety of areas, including numerical relativity, LISA mission sources and data analysis, integrated modeling, theoretical modeling of high-energy astrophysics sources, and interferometry.

gravitational wave animation

Contact Us

Robin T Stebbins
Chief [663]
Project Scientist [663]
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