Fort Benning Garrison Chaplain's Office

Weddings in Fort Benning Chapels

The Fort Benning Chapels are available for wedding ceremonies to those in possession of current Military I.D. cards. These include: active duty personnel, widows/widowers with I.D. cards, and retired military personnel. The chapels are also available to eligible Family members of those mentioned above, and authorized DA Civilians. Only the Garrison Chaplain may grant exceptions. Only Fort Benning Chaplains may reserve Fort Benning Chapels for weddings. After conversing or meeting with the couple and consenting to officiate or sponsor the wedding, the chaplain will complete the reservation form and deliver it to the appropriate chapel administration office. Before calling the Chapel with your questions, PLEASE READ THE STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR FORT BENNING WEDDINGS (see below or click here - - to print this document RIGHT click here then select "Print Target".

For weddings at The Infantry Center (TIC) Chapel (the following is the most important information needed when planning a wedding at the TIC Chapel -

In order to use the Chapel, one of you must have a valid Military ID Card or have a parent who has a valid Military ID (Active Duty or Retired). Therefore, no grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins, etc. can be a sponsor unless they are the legal guardian. Remember, the valid ID card holder will be your sponsor to use the chapel and they will be held responsible for any damages and the condition of the Chapel.

Also required is counseling for the couple before the chapel can be used. Refer to the Pre-Marital Counseling section (#7.) in the SOP for Fort Benning Weddings. If you are not a military member, your minister may conduct the counseling and give a letter of confirmation for your counseling. This letter or certificate will need to be turned in with your application or two-weeks prior to the wedding date. You may still be placed in the reservation book without this information but you will need to have it before the wedding can take place. You will be asked or called before the wedding rehearsal for this information. Your wedding application will be considered incomplete if we do not have this information.

If you decide that you will not be using the chapel or wish to change your date and/or time, we ask that you contact the chapel office at 706-545-2050 to make the necessary changes. Remember, do not make any invitations or definite arrangements for your wedding until we have confirmed that you may have that day and time.

Also remember, if you live out of town a local phone number is needed.

Your application will not be completed or placed in our books if any of the following information is missing:

  • A copy of ID Card of the responsible individual.
  • Ordination Paper of the Minister, if not using a Chaplain.
  • Completed application (click here for an application) with signature and date.