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Political Section


The Political Section is responsible for political relations between the United States and the Italian Republic.

It analyzes Italian domestic and foreign affairs and advocates U.S. Government policies in official contacts with Italian officials, parliamentarians, politicians, as well as with foreign diplomats.

The Section works to advance U.S. positions and increase bilateral cooperation across a broad range of issues, including political-military relations, labor affairs, and law enforcement coordination.

The Section is headed by a Minister Counselor for Political Affairs, and includes a Political-Military Unit (headed by a Pol-Mil Counselor), a Labor Counselor, and officers and staff members specializing in Italian foreign relations and domestic affairs.

Italian Domestic Affairs

Political Section staff concerned with Italian Affairs analyze information pertaining to the political workings and trends of the Italian government, Parliament, and political parties.

The staff tracks daily developments in Italian politics and maintains relationships with Italian political figures.

External Affairs

Officers analyze and report on Italian foreign policy developments, coordinating with the Italian government on foreign policy issues of mutual concern.

A primary point of contact for these political topics is the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with whose representatives the officers have close working relationships.

Political-Military Affairs

The Pol-Mil Unit works in conjunction with U.S. military counterparts to handle all issues concerned with U.S. military presence in Italy and all issues that pertain to the Italian-U.S. security relationship and to NATO.

Working with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Italian Ministry of Defense, the Prime Minister's Office, the Parliament, think-tanks, and universities, the Pol-Mil Unit is able to foster and promote exchanges regarding common security interests.

Labour Affairs

The Labor Counselor follows issues relating to labor or which may have a labor component.

The Labor Counselor also follows human rights issues and is responsible for preparing the Embassy's submission to the State Department's annual Human Rights and International Religious Freedom reports.

He maintains links with Italian government agencies and organizations in civil society concerned with either human rights or labor.