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Regional Security Office


The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) initiated a program to assist the U.S. private sector with the establishment of country councils in foreign cities to enhance the exchange of security related information abroad. These organizations encourage managers of U.S. enterprises with security responsibilities to organize themselves to cope with security problems by pooling their resources.

Key representatives of these councils and U.S. Embassy security officers, as well as other post officials, develop working relationships to create an exchange of information through which pertinent, unclassified, security information is shared in a timely fashion.

This site was developed to assist Italian based U.S. enterprises better communicate with U.S. Embassy security officers and also to provide a link to other OSAC information.

The Overseas Security Advisory Council Web site provides links to information from around the world.

You can reach Rome U.S. Embassy security officer by phone at: (+39) 06-4674-2175.

There is an active OSAC counsel for Italy that has held four consecutive annual meetings in Milan which have dealt with a variety of security topics of mutual interest. RSO Rome will provide the exact date as it becomes known. Those American Companies in Italy that wish to be mailed invitations will be able to send their address and points of contact to the RSO Rome Website. The details of the next meeting will be placed on the Web.