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Industrial Capture & Storage

The United States Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE/NETL, or DOE) is currently implementing a program titled “Carbon Capture and Sequestration from Industrial Sources and Innovative Concepts for Beneficial CO2 Use.”

This CO2 Capture and Sequestration (CCS) and CO2 use program is a cost-shared collaboration between the Government and industry whose purpose is to increase investment in clean industrial technologies and sequestration projects.

In accordance with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and Section 703 of Public Law 110–140, DOE’s two specific objectives are to demonstrate: (1) Large-Scale Industrial CCS projects from industrial sources, and (2) Innovative Concepts for beneficial CO2 use.

Area 1 Large-Scale Industrial CCS Program

The objective of the Area 1 Large-Scale Industrial CCS Program is to expedite and carry out large-scale testing of CO2 sequestration systems in a range of geologic formations, including the expansion of CO2 EOR to new settings, while providing information on the cost and feasibility of deployment of sequestration technologies. CO2 capture technologies must be integrated within existing or new industrial facilities.

Area 2 Innovative Concepts for Beneficial CO2 Use

The objective of the Area 2 Innovative Concepts for Beneficial CO2 Use Program is to demonstrate innovative concepts for beneficial CO2 use, which include, but are not limited to CO2 mineralization to carbonates directly through conversion of CO2 in flue gas; use of CO2 from power plants or industrial applications to grow algae/biomass; or, conversion of the CO2 to fuels and chemicals. The carbonates produced from the mineralization processes must have the ability to result in permanent storage of the CO2 through end uses such as cement additives or long term underground storage.