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USGS Scientist Addresses Teachers at the Sea Education Association

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On July 8, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientist Mike Bothner was invited to speak at the Sea Education Association in Woods Hole, MA, to an oceanography class of high-school teachers from around the United States.

Mike reviewed the multidisciplinary science that has been applied by the USGS to pollution problems in Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay, and showed how our work supported many management decisions surrounding a $4-billion sewage-treatment upgrade and a court-ordered environmental-monitoring program. He also introduced the teachers to a novel demonstration of pressure in the ocean, using standard laboratory equipment.

Related Web Sites
Sea Education Association
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Boston Sewage Outfall: The Fate of Sediments and Contaminants in Massasachusetts Bay
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

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Coastal Circulation Experiment

Southwest Central Florida Flood

Outreach Science Teachers and Curriculum Development

Sea Education Association

School Children Learn About Sediment

WETMAAP Workshops for Teachers

Meetings American Water Works Association

Diversity Days

Continental Shelf Limits

Tampa Bay Wetland Restoration Research

German-American Frontiers of Science

Coastal and Marine Geology Program Knowledge Bank

Awards USGS Scientist Receives Award from Southern University

Staff & Center News Visitor from National Research Council

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Updated January 18, 2013 @ 10:12 AM (THF)