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Publications Highlights:

multibeam-sonar topographic imagery of the Canadian part of Georges Bank and the Fundian and Northeast Channels
Mapping the Georges Bank Seabed

Differences in rates of sea-level rise from tide-gauge records across North America over a 60-year period (1950–2009).
Sea-Level Rise Accelerating on U.S. Atlantic Coast

Methane hydrate
Gas Hydrates and Climate Warming

Male Spectacled Eider
Maps Based on Satellite Telemetry Help Tanker Avoid Sea Ducks

Coral affected by Montipora white syndrome.
Coral Reef Disease Hits Kane'ohe Bay, Hawai'i

A 1928 topographic sheet overlaid on part of a 2004 color digital orthophoto quadrangle of Big Sable Creek in Everglades National Park.
USGS Science Supports Everglades Restoration

Storm erosion of coastal bluffs at Ocean Beach
U.S. West Coast Winter 2009-10 Erosion Spike

Adult lionfish
Lionfish Spread Unprecedented

Gene Shinn photographs one of several coral reef sites he has chronicled for five decades.
Podcasts Highlight Coral Reef Health

earthquake epicenter
Powerful Earthquake, Devastating Tsunami in Japan

Polar bear
Sea-ice Habitats Could Respond Positively to Curbed Greenhouse-Gas Emissions

mean bottom stress
Unlocking Model Data via Web Services

Belize manatee and health-assessment capture crew.
Manatee Subspecies Genetically Confirmed

Dry Tortugas National Park
Marine Research in Dry Tortugas National Park

Eastern Mediterranean region, showing locations of four assessment units in the Nile Delta Basin Province.
Significant Natural-Gas Potential in Nile Delta

Gulf of Mexico, showing coastlines affected by hurricanes from 2000 to 2009.
Extreme Storms Leave Coasts Vulnerable

corals, sponges, and feather duster worms
Secret Gardens in the Mangroves of St. John

Sea otter
New Study of Pacific Sea Otter Populations and Nearshore Ecosystems

Mid-Pliocene versus modern sea-surface-temperature anomalies
Arctic Could Face Warmer and Ice-Free Conditions

Location of the 2009 epicenter and that of a similar earthquake in 1917 in relation to the bend in the Tonga trench
Tsunamis Generated from Outer-Rise Earthquakes

modified eight-passenger Pilatus Porter model PC6T
Remote Sensing Provides Unique Maps and Datasets

Playing in the sand on a Lake Michigan beach.
Beach Sand and Stomach Aches

Scientists Cliff Buck and Lauren Kaupp prepare to lower a rosette of 12 Niskin bottles
Study Demonstrates How Methylmercury Forms in the Ocean

schematic diagram of topographic highs or shoals as borrow areas for sand
Assessing Offshore Marine Sand Deposits

Julie Cherry
CO2 May Help Wetlands Keep Pace with Sea-Level Rise

Red knot
Shorebird Recovery May Require Restrictions on Bait

A tagged sea otter feeds on a rock crab
Food and Location Influence Sea Otter Exposure to Disease

Prehistoric Climate Can Help Forecast Future Changes

Alaskan Glaciers Retreating

Bald Eagle
Sea-Otter Decline Affects Kelp Forests and Eagles

Ryan Hechinger
Parasites Outweigh Predators

Satellite image of the Persian Gulf
Whitings Possible Explanation for Middle East Oil Deposits

Jay Hootch collects a water sample from the Andreafsky River
Water-Quality Monitoring

Tim Tinker observes radio-tagged sea otters
Striking Variability in Sea-Otter Diets and Feeding Strategies

Encrusting algae that developed on surfaces bathed in unaltered seawater from the adjacent reef and those that developed in seawater with pH lowered
Coral-Reef Builders Vulnerable to Ocean Acidification

deposit laid down by Hurricane Isabel
Distinguishing Tsunami from Storm Deposits

Mercury Contamination in Waterbirds Breeding in San Francisco Bay

Well-preserved new species of fossil demosponge, Miamiamplia vasiforma
Newly-Discovered Fossil Sponges

stream gage
Real-Time Water Data via Satellite Telemetry

crust pavement
Beam Time at the Stanford Linear Accelerator

tar ball
Tar Balls Washed Onto California Beaches

Second-generation DART (Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami) station
Tsunami-Forecasting System Tested by Recent Earthquakes

Typical coral-reef community observed in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Effects of CO2 Levels on Marine Life and Global Climate

Giant sand waves on the sea floor west of the Golden Gate
Underwater Sand Waves Seaward of Golden Gate Bridge

Lake whitefish
Lake Whitefish Returning to the Detroit River

instrumented tripod
Scientists Study Sources of Nitrogen in Hood Canal

Ginger Garrison conducts a site visit on Sal Island
Researcher Studies Effects of African Dust on Human and Coral Health

adult coho salmon, held by Mike Sparkman
Water Temperature Restricts Distribution of Coho Salmon in Redwood Creek

Adult California clapper rail.
Limited Reproductive Success for Endangered California Clapper Rail

Sediment map of the New York-New Jersey offshore region
usSEABED Offshore Sediment Data for the Atlantic Coast Region

Frame from the recently released computer simulation shows where and how hard the ground was shaking 15 seconds after the start of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.
Scientists Recreate Shaking from 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

Closeup of the mud volcano in a high-resolution seismic-reflection profile
Methane Hydrate off Southern California Coast

tropical abalone and red abalone shells
Study Suggests Abalones Owe Their Huge Size to Sea Otters

California newt
Study Links Urbanization to Amphibian Decline

photo of a manatee
Using Genetic Modeling to Assess the Health and Status of Manatee Populations

Locations of ocean-bottom tsunami sensors in the Pacific Ocean as of June 2005
Brief Tsunami Warning Startles U.S. West Coast

magnetic tape that contains the seismic data
USGS and AGI Receive Valuable Seismic Data from Chevron

arctic fox taking a least auklet
Introduced Foxes Transformed Vegetation

mountain beaver
Mountain Beaver Population Slow to Recover After Wildfire

baby crane
Raising Crane

submarine canyons along the continental slope
Submarine Canyons Named for Marine Geologists

biologist makes underwater observations of fish feeding behavior
Suspended Sediment, Turbidity, and Fish Feeding Behavior

Manatee Population Analysis

Diploria labyrinthiformis
Mucus-Hosted Microbial Communities

sea fan
Study Notes Increased Disease in Marine Life

USGS Scientist Reviews NASA Mars Findings

Underwater Microscope System
Underwater Microscope System Patented

western snowy plover chick
Snowy Plover Population Recovery

aerial photograph of the wetland with parallel-grid ditching in 2002
Ecological Repercussions of Mosquito Control

harbor seal
North Pacific Marine Mammal Populations Collapsing

satellite map of Gulf of Mexico
Gulf of Mexico Contaminants

pallid cave crayfish
Nutrient Enrichment in Florida Springs

female fur seal
Ecologically Sensitive Islands in the Bering Sea

Prototype camera system covered with barnacles after 101 days on the sea floor
Prototype Underwater Camera System

European green crab
Competitive Edge of Invasive Species

diamondback terrapin
Diamondback Terrapin

scientists examine sediment in a push core from Okarito Lagoon, New Zealand
Tsunami Deposits in the Geologic Record

diesel locomotive
Ground Water Diesel Fuel Contamination

a trematode cercaria, in the free-swimming stage
Parasites as Indicators of Coastal-Ecosystem Health

a dunlin, radio-marked for tracking
Teamwork Sheds Light on Shorebird-Migration Mysteries

two sea otters feeding
What's Wrong with the California Sea Otter?

MRIB Information Circle

Rich Signell, Mike Bothner, Debbie Hutchinson, and Marinna Martini

Jim Flocks (helped by Jack Kindinger, right, and Dave Bennett) is cutting a vibracore from the ebb-tide delta of Barataria Pass.

Rio Grande U. S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter

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