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Open Government

On December 8, 2009, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued an Open Government Directive requiring Federal agencies to take specific actions to implement the principles of transparency, participation and collaboration set forth by the President in his first executive action.

This webpage is a part of EEOC's response to that directive. We will detail our work in responding to the Directive's requirements, and in meeting the Directive's deadlines for action. We will go a step further, and provide easy access to the many ways in which EEOC is already operating in an open, transparent way. Finally, we will provide tools for you to talk to us about the information we're providing and the work we're doing.

Information and Data

  • EEOC data via Data.Gov

    The Directive instructs each agency to publish online high-value data sets in an open format that is platform independent, machine-readable, and free of restrictions on its use. EEOC has published several such data sets through, and will continue to add to the collection.

  • Other information and data

    EEOC has a wide range of data and information already available on our website and elsewhere, some in machine-readable form, much of it in user-friendly, human-readable form.

  • The EEOC, per Executive Order 13563, 76 Fed. Reg. 3821 (Jan. 21, 2011), has developed a Final Plan for Regulatory Review of Significant Regulations (Final Plan). The Final Plan is posted on EEOC will use the Final Plan as a guide to determine whether regulations should be modified, streamlined, expanded, or repealed, to make the EEOC's regulatory program more effective and/or less burdensome in achieving its regulatory objectives. EEOC's initial status report to the Office of Management and Budget on Retrospective Regulatory Review is available at, and EEOC's most current status report is available at

Open Government Plan

The Open Government Directive requires each agency to develop an Open Government Plan that details how the agency will incorporate the principles of transparency, participation and collaboration into its core mission objectives. We are currently working on our Plan.

Evaluating Our Progress

The Open Government Directive calls on the Federal Chief Technology Officer and Chief Information Officer to create an Open Government Dashboard to measure progress and impact. EEOC has submitted our initial Dashboard report.

Feedback and Input

We'd like your feedback and input on the quality of our published information,, and what information you think we should prioritize for future publication. We'd also like to hear your thoughts on our Open Government Plan.